Plone Foundation Board Minutes April 25, 2019
Meeting called to order at 20:00 UTC
Present: Chrissy, Kim, Carol, Alex, Erico
Absent: Paul (excused), Victor (excused)
Approval of the minutes of April 11, 2019
Erico moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- All return later
Incoming Correspondence
- Buschenschanksprint funding request Johannes Raggam
- Erico motioned to approve $2000 USD Second by Kim
- Unanimously approved
New Business
- Trademark Renewal - Table until next meeting
- Zope CLA Process - short term solution is that those licenses get sent to, so that Andy Leeb & Paul Roeland can then add the people to the current zope org on
- Google Season of Docs - more info to come.
World Plone Day - Erico leading organization.
- Date May 20, 2019 - Please organize a local event.
Continued Business
- GSoC - PSF reviewing applications for their available slots.
- PyCon Prep - Booth sign up happening, shirts and swag ordered
- EuroPython Prep - Plone has a stand. Paul and Calvin to work
- Zope Foundation status update - Kim following up Matthew on question.
Review Ongoing
- Trademark watch - Erico to review week of 4/29
Membership committee -
- Erico working on more applicants
- Erico to work on communication of why to join the Foundation.
- AI Sprint discussion from Sorrento - more details to come from Sven, Paul & Erico
Erico moved to adjourn, Carol seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:42 UTC