Foundation Board Minutes May 9, 2019

Minutes of Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC



Present: Paul, Chrissy, Alexander, Erico, Carol (joined late)

Absent: Victor (excused), Kim

Approval of the minutes of April 25, 2019

  • Alexander moved to approve, Erico seconded
  • Unanimously Approved

Action Items - follow up or return later in agenda

Incoming Correspondence

  • Sponsorship Request from Uvik Software - Kim will respond
  • Email requesting someone with FOSSA knowledge, Alexander will reply

New Business

  • PyCon report out - The booth went very well! The theme was security, so we were handing out cables ties (to secure your cables), and combination locks to anyone that came up and tried out the lock picking activity we had set up. Lots of people were interested in the lock picking! Thank you to everyone that contributed to the success of the booth: Chrissy, Carol and Kim for organizing; Gabrielle Hendryx-Parker and MaryBeth Okerson for marketing; plus Cris Ewing, Andreas Jung, Nathan Van Gheem, David Glick and Rob Porter for spending time in the booth! Photos can be seen on Flickr

Continued Business

  • Google Summer Of Code - Three students will be participating, Paul posted a news item.
  • Zope CLA process update - We have a preliminary idea of what to do for now. Everyone that has signed a Zope agreement will need to sign the new Plone CLA with a Zope option. Paul and Andy Leeb will take care of organizing. has details. There will eventually be a combined option for a new contributor to sign for Plone or Zope or both.
  • Google Season of Docs - We have been accepted, and are getting people interested. We are guaranteed one slot, a second may be possible (based on a lottery).
  • World Plone Day - Erico is checking with various people to see what can be done. There will be one or two events during World Plone Day (May 20), and activity on Twitter.
  • EuroPython Prep - We have a booth, Paul will put in a poster session.
  • Zope Foundation Status Update - Matthew Wilkes requested a new team for Zope within the Plone Foundation, as well as how to handle foundation membership.

    • [ executive session ]
    • Alexander has been designated to work the Matthew to set up a new team
    • Need a person familiar with the Zope community to be a part of the Plone Membership Team to help judge merit. All Zope members that would like to be PF members will need to channel through the Membership Team. Exact process is still to be determined. Paul will coordinate with Matthew.

Review Ongoing

  • Trademark Renewal - Erico, Paul, and Kim will meet to discuss
  • AI Sprint - Planning has been happening, will be invite-only, in Barcelona, August 7-11.
  • Documentation Sprint - in discussion, maybe happening end of July

Alexander moved to adjourn, Chrissy seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 19:43 UTC