Minutes for November 20, 2018
Meeting called to order at 19:10 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Érico Andrei, Chrissy Wainwright, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen
Absent: Carol Ganz (excused, joined for a little bit)
Approval of the minutes of October 25
Victor moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Approved with one abstaining
Approval of the Annual Meeting minutes of November 8
Alexander moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Election of Officers
We had a lengthy discussion involving the appointment of Paul as president since he's been in the position for a while. But we decided it would be best to keep him in the role as President this year with the potential Foundation changes coming up this year (regarding Pyramid and Zope), since Paul is an excellent diplomat and communicator. We discussed this possibly being a transition year, to build up another person that could be the president next year.
Erico nominated Paul be the President, Kim seconded
Kim nominated Chrissy as Vice President, Erico seconded.
Kim nominated Carol as Secretary, Chrissy seconded.
Alexander moved to approve the board as nominated, Erico seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Jennifer Myers has offered to continue to be the Treasurer, and Six Feet Up continues to offer her to serve the role. Paul mentioned that Jen has always done an excellent job with the finances, including helping the GSOC students get reimbursed for travel to the conference. Erico made a motion, Alexander seconded, Unanimously approved.
Marketing Chair
Kim is still willing to be the Marketing Chair. Erico moves to approve Kim as the Marketing Chair, Victor seconded. Unanimously approved
Team Liaisons
Discussion to reduce number of liaisons, since they may not all be still necessary. Paul brought up that some teams like having a board liaison, and that they can be important
- Education: Alexander
- Security: Alexander
- Front-end: Victor
- Framework: Chrissy, with Alexander as a backup
Pyramid/Pylons Project
Monthly meetings will begin next week to coordinate the work of the Plone Foundation taking Pyramid as a sub-organization. Paul, Erico, Alexander will attend this monthly meeting.
Membership Committee
Erico is willing to remain the chair of the Chair of the Membership Committee. Kim will remain as co-chair.
New Business
- Tokyo Finance Wrap-up - Paul is willing to step up to help finalize the budget from the conference. Jen will be involved. Alexander will help, since he is in a European time zone (easier for scheduling meetings with Tokyo). Kim also offered to help to double check numbers in the spreadsheet.
- Flickr
Incoming Correspondence
- [executive session]
- We received a request from Gil Forcada Codinachs about paying for a new CI server (Timo Stollenwerk has been paying for the existing server up to this point). Paul will investigate and figure up the actual dollar amount needed before we put it to a vote
Alexander moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:16 UTC