Minutes for May 24, 2018
Meeting called to order at 19:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen (late), Víctor Fernández de Alba (late), Philip Bauer, Carol Ganz (late)
Absent: None
Approval of the minutes of May 3
Alexander moved to approve, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Incoming Correspondence
- Funding Request - from gocept for the Zope 4 Welcome Sprint that just happened, but they had more people than expected show up, so they have requested $300 to cover costs for drinks and lunch. Chrissy made a motion to approve, Paul seconded. Unanimously approved (Also note that two of the five voting members were present at the sprint)
- Package Naming - [executive session]
- Sponsor Updates - starzel and RedTurtle, and Affinitic - thank you for your renewals
New Business
- PyCon - Chrissy reported that we had plenty of people coming up to the booth asking plenty of questions about Plone. We had some nice inflatable pillows as a giveaway, with text that said, "Rest easy", and had the Plone logo. Thanks to Sally, Witek, Carol, Anthony, and Chrissy for time spent at the booth!
Continued Business
- PloneConf Tokyo - no new news
- Potential Donation - no new news
- GSOC - the teams have started work and are active
- EuroPython - nothing new
Review Ongoing
- Philip reported that the Zope sprint was really good, there were only a couple people doing Plone, but a lot of work was being done on Zope.
- Sprint for Bern has been cancelled.
- Philip mentioned the B2Run and that there are people who would register under the Plone "company". Philip will send the information to Paul about Plone registering as a company.
- Paul and Kim will coordinate to transfer plonegov.org to our domain provider
- Philip requested running the German Plone Demo site under demo.plone.org, since it is very well maintained and has several languages. Philip will be doing this later this summer.
- Kim mentioned plone.org has been getting some spam, so we'll look into limiting the GitHub users that can log in.
Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:06 UTC