Minutes for March 8, 2018
Meeting called to order at 20:03 UTC
Present: Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba (joined late), Carol Ganz, Philip Bauer
Absent: Paul Roeland (excused)
Approval of the minutes of February 22
Carol moved to approve, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Incoming Correspondence
- We received confirmation from Nutter that the Domain Name dispute has been submitted
- Interaktiv has renewed their sponsorship - thank you!
New Business
- Event Funding Request - the Plone-React sprint has been approved by the framework team as a
strategic sprint, and they are requesting $2000 to cover costs. Kim made a motion to approve up to $2000 to fund the sprint, Philip seconded. 6 approved (including Paul via email), 1 abstained. - OSI Elections - the Board of Directors' Affiliate Member Election is coming up. We will review the candidates, and report back to Alexander, who will vote.
Continued Business
- Potential Donation - Waiting for confirmation of the information we can share
- Google Summer Of Code - We have officially accepted the GSOC participation invitation. Discussions are happening in the forum, and interested students have been introducing themselves.
- PloneTagung - Maik said they have around 60 people planning on attending. The event is taking place in a couple weeks.
- PloneConf 2018 Update - no current updates
- PyCon & EuroPython - Working on coordinating efforts for PyCon. No new news on EuroPython
- Domain issues - The trademark watch through Nutter does not currently watch domains. We can add this service, but it only watches new registrations, not renewals or transfers. We will discuss more at the next meeting.
Review Ongoing
- Plone 5.1 has officially been released!
Upcoming sprints:
- Zope sprint in Halle in May
- Sauna sprint in July in Finland
- Wildcard is looking to do a US sprint this summer
- Possibly another sprint on Headless CMS this summer
Philip moved to adjourn, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:12 UTC