Minutes for July 5, 2018
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer
Absent: Carol Ganz (excused)
Approval of the minutes of June 21
Alexander moved to approve, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Kim is waiting for final confirmation to publish news item about the donation from IMIO
Incoming Correspondence
- Sprint Funding - Some concerns were brought to the board about funding of sprints that are (or appear to be) invitation-only. We had a discussion about how sprint information could be worded. We agree that sprints should not exclude possible willing participants. Kim will work on some language that can be added to the event funding request page.
- Funding Request - from Philip as a follow-up to the Beethoven sprint for food and to help a participant with his unexpected travel expenses after the sprint. Philip requested 220 Euros. Alexander moves to approve up to $480, Victor seconded. Motion passed with one abstaining. Philip will follow up.
- Funding Request - from Philip/Gocept for a yet-unnamed 5-day sprint to happen in October in Halle. The plan is to work on the Python 3 update for Plone and Zope, and finish Plone 5.2. Philip hopes to attract a large team to work on completing PLIPs. The sprint has not yet been declared strategic, so we will postpone our vote until the sprint has been deemed strategic.
Continued Business
- EuroPython - Paul will be working on the backdrop. There will be a demo with the latest version of Plone-React. There will be a talk and poster session on Plone-React/Pastanaga.
- PloneConf Tokyo - They are working to get the site up for registration. Paul and Alexander will coordinate a date/time to meet with the conference organizers in the next week
- Google Summer of Code - Still going strong, not much to report at this time.
- Domain dispute fee - we have not heard back on a confirmation for the final fee. Kim will follow-up
Review Ongoing
- Discussion of ways that we can help the conference organizers with sponsorships and picking talks.
Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:07 UTC