Minutes for Feburary 8, 2018
Meeting called to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Carol Ganz (left early), Philip Bauer
Absent: None!
Approval of the minutes of January 25
Alexander moved to approve, Kim seconded
Unanimously Approved
Incoming Correspondence
- Sponsor renewal from ZOPYX - thank you!
- Email from Maik Derstappen about the CloudFest Hackathon in Germany in March, which is very strongly related to CMS Garden. We will submit a Plone project. Maik can attend, and Alexander may be able to attend remotely.
New Business
- Funding Request - from David Bain for a Pre-GSOC Plone Newbie Sprint. We have not yet been approved for Google Summer of Code, that will be announced next week. The meetup could still potentially happen if we are not doing GSOC. Alexander moved to approve the requested $220, Kim seconded, Unanimously approved. Paul will coordinate with David.
- Ammado - has run into issues with their CEO taking off with money, so we have shut down our Ammado donation site. We are only out $30 at this point. We have already coordinated with our contributors that regularly donate through Ammado.
- Zope.org - work is still being done to take control of the domain, but we as the Plone Foundation can't do anything at this point.
- PyCon Prep - nothing new, working on coming up with a new handout item.
Membership Committee Report - Committee met last week and has three new potential members to present to the board:
- David Bain - Alexander moved to approve David, Chrissy seconded, Unanimously approved
- Franco Pelligrini - Alexander moved to approve Franco, Carol seconded, Unanimously approved
- Sven Strack - Kim moved to approve Sven, Philip seconded, Unanimously approved.
- Kim will put together a news item, Chrissy will notify the new members. Paul will put them on the mailing list.
Continued Business
- EuroPython Prep - we have been guaranteed a booth, and have a couple volunteers for it.
- Plone Conference Tokyo 2018 - Paul and Manabu have had trouble finding a common time to meet, so Alexander will take over and make contact with Manabu.
- Domain issues - two of the offending domains have been taken down.
Review Ongoing
- Plone 5.1 - is scheduled for March 1 release. The Doc team is getting documentation together and ready for the release. Kim will contact Maurits about creating some good, human-readable release notes, and start prep for a news item.
Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:00 UTC