Minutes for April 5, 2018
Meeting called to order at 19:08 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Carol Ganz
Absent: Philip Bauer (excused)
Approval of the minutes of March 22
Carol moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Paul did not coordinate with Maik on Plone Tagung yet, he will do that tomorrow
Incoming Correspondence
- Funding Request - for a general Python event, where we will have no representation. Paul will decline
- Thanks to Affinitic for renewed sponsorship!
New Business
Sprint Planning - checking all planned sprints for the year to make sure none are conflicting. They appear to look good:
- Zope sprint in Halle in May
- Bonn Beethoven Sprint - Bonn, Germany in May
- Buschenschanksprint - Austria in June
- Sauna sprint in July in Finland
- Python 3 and Demo sites sprint - Munich in July/August
- Documentation Sprint - Berlin in Summer
- Plone React - Chicago in September
Continued Business
- Potential Donation - still on hold
- GSOC - Cris is working on looking for mentors. There are several great proposals from the students.
- Plone Conf Tokyo - the initial site is up! https://2018.ploneconf.org/
- PyCon Prep - There is a Google Doc for prep collaboration.
- EuroPython - Continuing on Preparations
- Domain Issues - We received an update that the deadline has passed for the respondent to reply. This means the final decision will be biased in our favor. The domain will go into lockdown until the proceedings are completed, and the domain is currently set to expire on April 23.
Review Ongoing
- Discussion of what to do with the plone.io domain
- Alexander will help Philip with the Python 3 updates for Plone
Alexander moved to adjourn, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:02 UTC