Minutes for April 19, 2018

Meeting called to order at 19:08 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Carol Ganz

Absent: Philip Bauer

Approval of the minutes of April 5

Carol moved to approve, Alexander seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • Paul got in touch with Maik Derstappen. He is working on a German article for plone.de for the Plone Tagung report out.

New Business

  • PloneConf Tokyo - We will be putting together a list of proposed keynote speakers for the conference. Paul and Alexander will meet with the organizers next week. Sponsorship and ticket sales should be available in early May.

Continued Business

  • Potential Donation - waiting to hear
  • Sponsorship Renewal - thank you Webmeisterei for your sponsorship renewal
  • GSOC - We have been given 4 places for the 4 strong proposals we had gotten. We have mentors and a stakeholder role for all the proposals. The stakeholder is a person that has an interest in the end product, and guards the scope of the project.
  • PyCon - We are getting people together to be at the booth, organizing on tshirts and swag.
  • EuroPython - bit late in preparations. Paul will get a poster design together related to Tokyo
  • Domain issues - no new news

Review Ongoing

  • Self Certification for Plone Accessibility is being put together. We will have available on plone.org and plone.com
  • Alexander is working on getting more people for the AI team.
  • Upcoming sprints:

    • Beethoven sprint will be pushed to a later date because of housing availability.
    • Girona (Barcelona) sprint on Guillotina, React, etc will be July 19-22.

Alexander moved to adjourn, Chrissy seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 19:49 UTC