Minutes for November 3, 2016
Meeting called to order at 21:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer, Carol Ganz
Absent: None
Approval of the minutes of October 13
Alexander moved to approve, Paul seconded
Incoming Correspondence
- New Sponsorships from ReTrans, bit4mation, and Slotenmaker123.
- A German Web Technology magazine called Screenguide has requested an article about Plone. Alexander may with with Armin on this.
Nomination of Officers
- Paul nominated himself for President. Alexander moved to appoint Paul as the President, Chrissy seconded, Unanimously approved.
- Alexander nominated himself for Vice President. Paul moved to appoint Alexander as Vice President, Carol seconded, Unanimously approved.
- Chrissy nomination herself for Secretary. Paul moved to appoint Chrissy as Secretary, Alexander seconded, Unanimously approved.
Committee Leads
Christina McNeill recently let us know that she is stepping down as lead of the Marketing Team. The board greatly thanks Christina for all the work she had done for the Foundation, and we wish her all the best. This means that the position is now open for applications. Applications accepted until December 14. The board will vote at the December 15th meeting to choose the new team leader.
Kim stated that he will step down from the Membership Committee to apply for the role of Marketing/Communications Team Lead. Philip said he would be willing to take the lead of the Membership Committee. Kim moved that Philip become the chair of the Membership Committee, Carol seconded, Unanimously approved.
Alexander moved to approve Kim as the Marketing Committee Chair, Carol seconded, Unanimously approved.
Appointment of Liaisons
- Philip will continue to be the Framework Team Liaison
- Alexander will continue to be the Education and Plone Security Team Liaisons
Appointment of Treasurer
Alexander moved to approve Jen Myers as Treasurer of the Plone Foundation (non-voting position), Kim seconded, Unanimously approved. The board thanks Jen for being a wonderful, awesome person and we thank Six Feet Up for their support of the Foundation in giving Jen the time to do the work as Treasurer.
New Business
- The Testing and Continuous Integration team has requested funding of a server for continuous integration. The current servers are provided for free, but are not reliable. The AI team has investigated getting a proper dedicated server in Germany. It would be around $80/mo, plus $120 for start-up costs. Alexander moved to approve up to $1000/year + the setup fee, Victor seconded, Unanimously approved. Paul will coordinate with Gil and Jen on payment.
- Ben Ackland from Netsight asked if we would be willing to take over payment of Plone videos they have on Vimeo from a previous conference. We can run it on a plus account, which is $60 a year. They can possibly be transferred to YouTube, but there is not time to do that before the Vimeo account expires. Alexander moved to approve $60 for a Vimeo Plus account for one year, Carol seconded, Unanimously approved.
Review Ongoing
- PloneConf2016 - The conference has sent their payment to the Foundation. We do not yet have the final numbers for actual profit. Don't yet know when the videos will be ready, also waiting on some slides.
- PloneConf2017 - Getting started on preparations on the website, advertising, and sponsorship.
- Kiwi Pycon - Ezra provided a nice report out from the conference: https://www.thevirtual.co.nz/blog/kiwi-pycon
- Kim will be finishing up the sponsorship renewal emails soon.
- PLOG - Dates are set for April 18 - 22. Maurizio will let the hotel know, and will update the website. Headless CMS will be worked on.
- Discussion about the Zope Corporation
Alexander moved to adjourn, Kim seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 22:11 UTC