Minutes for November 17, 2016

Meeting called to order at 20:03 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer, Carol Ganz
Absent: None

Approval of the minutes of the Annual Meeting

Alexander moved to approve, Carol seconded
Unanimously Approved

Approval of the minutes of November 3

Kim moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • Server for the testing team is set up and has been passed on to Gil
  • Vimeo account upgrade is in process

Incoming Correspondence

  • CMS Garden meeting - Alexander will be attending. Alexander moved to approve the re-appointment of Maik Derstappen as our official representative. Alexander moved, Paul seconded, Unanimously approved. (note: part of this conversation happened later in the meeting since Alexander's Internet had cut out)
  • CMS with no unemployment - Gil Forcada sent an email about ways to make it easier for Plone developers to find jobs. Ideas are more for the community, no actions need to be taken by the board as a whole. Kim will make the jobs section of the Discourse forum available on plone.org, Victor will respond to ideas for making PloneConf2017 tickets cheaper for certain people.
  • Google Summer of Code - we have sent the invoice to Google, we are waiting on payment.
  • Podcast - Eric Steele is doing a podcast, more info to come

New Business

  • Event Funding Request - The Ljubljana Dragon Sprint, which is a Pyramid sprint, requested $500. Our community sprint budget is set at $300 per event. Carol moved to approve sending the $300, plus and additional $200 for Marketing, on the condition that their expenses have not already been covered by other sponsors. Alexander seconded, Unanimously approved. Paul will respond to Nejc.
  • Prep for Budget 2017 - Carol and Paul will coordinate on budget prep.
  • Marketing - Kim will post the job opening discussed at the last meeting.
  • Licensing Issues for third-party software - executive session

Continued Business

  • Membership Committee - Philip will get started soon asking the current committee members if they want to stay. Kim and Philip will meet so Kim can pass on information for leading the committee.

Review Ongoing

  • Old plone.org - time to retire the old site or move over to a new VM. Paul and Carol will coordinate for getting that set up.
  • Joshua Zong has volunteered to take care of our Google Ad Grant since he has experience with it.
  • Kim will call a meeting about headless CMS soon, date TBD.
  • Renewal emails for Foundation Sponsors and Providers, there are about 60 total. Kim has sent out emails for the Premium and Standard so far. He will look into setting up a Salesforce account for tracking all the sponsors.
  • Alexander is giving a talk about Plone at Drupal Camp in a couple weeks.
  • PloneConf2017 - server is set up, they are looking into a site similar to EventBrite for registration. Albert is working on a logo.
  • PloneConf2016 - just a few more videos left to be edited and uploaded

Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:17 UTC