Minutes for May 26, 2016

Meeting called to order at 20:07 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Carol Ganz, Chrissy Wainwright, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen
Absent: Philip Bauer (excused)

Approval of the minutes of May 12

Kim moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved

Action Items

  • Paul sent message to AI team about dist.plone.org

Incoming Correspondence

  • Paul responded to a sponsorship request to Euro Python, we will have a booth and a help desk set up there.
  • Re-licensing Request - collective.indexing was split up for some bits of the code to be in CMFPlone and the rest in our fork of CMFCore. The bit under CMFCore needs to be relicensed to match Zope's licensing requirements (ZPL). Paul recommends a dual license, in case the code needs to be merged back into CMFPlone in the future. Carol made a motion to make the code in the pull request under a dual license. Chrissy seconded. Unanimously approved.

New Business

Continued Business

  • PyCon/EuroPython - multitools have been delivered - they have the url plone.com/secure, which Kim will be finalizing as soon as possible. All other swag is on its way.
    EuroPython prep is going well, it is still a couple months out.
  • KiwiPycon: We have heard from a couple companies that will be attending, but they have not yet confirmed about a booth.
  • Marketing Position: Kim updated the draft Position Description for a possible Plone Marketing Staffer. Paul and Kim will finalize the legalese of the document, and we will vote on it at the next meeting.
  • BSI Study: Alexander reported that the committee is reviewing the comments and has asked for more information for updating the study in getting it ready for public.
  • Plone Conference: Kim and Rob Porter have been working on the landing page for the website with the design and content, should be published this weekend. Finalizing the invited talks and trainings. Call for proposals on talks coming soon. Looking for housing for the trainers.
  • plone.org still has some work to be done. We will all work to find and fix broken links on plone.org.

Review Ongoing

  • Calvin Hendryx-Parker set up a vagrant and buildout combo to make sure Windows users will be able to set up Plone locally and try it out. Sven is also working on a Docker image. We will work to update plone.org with this info.

Alexander moved to adjourn, Carol and her dog seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:09 UTC