Minutes for May 12, 2016

Meeting called to order at 20:07 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Carol Ganz (joined late), Chrissy Wainwright, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen, Philip Bauer
Absent: None

Approval of the minutes of April 28

Alexander moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved

Incoming Correspondence

  • Thank you to Jowett Enterprises for your sponsorship!
  • For OSCON - OSI has sent us a discount code that can be used for an unlimited number of Expo Hall Plus pass registrations to be used by OSI members and their communities. We will send out this code to the membership list.
  • i18n sprint - Ofer Weisglass is interested in organizing a translation sprint. Kim will respond to Ofer and encourage him to plan it some time in advance so he can get people to join.

New Business

  • Membership committee has recommendations for three new members: Maik Derstappen, Patrick Gerken, and Gil Forcada.

    • Alexander moved to approve Maik, Philip seconded, unanimously approved.
    • Alexander moved to approve Patrick, Chrissy seconded, unanimously approved.
    • Victor moved to approve Gil, Philip seconded, unanimously approved.
    • A news item will be created announcing the new members. Paul will take care of updating their status on plone.org and adding them to the membership lists
  • BSI Study: Alexander attended the presentation last Tuesday. They will postpone the official release of the study until they have worked to clarify details of the numbers discussed. They will also release an English translation. Paul, Alexander, Jens, Armin, and Maurits have worked on a press release we can publish once the study has been released.
  • Zope discussion -- executive session --
  • dist.plone.org - the board will leave decision up to the AI and Release teams as to whether or not dist.plone.org should be moved to be with the new plone.org server.

Continued Business

  • PyCon/Euro Python - t-shirts and coasters have been designed and ordered. Pins, magnets, stickers, and multitools will also be ordered. Will need lots of tweets happening during Cris's keynote, will check on if there is a livestream happening at that time we can promote (9:20am Pacific Time, June 1).
  • Marketing position - Christina McNeill showed interest in being the person for communications, social media, writing. We will flesh out the proposal before the next meeting and have it ready for vote. Paul and Kim will work on that proposal.
  • Kiwi PyCon - We will respond to company interested in attending to have them request $200 max for materials, sponsorship is $500.

    • Alexander moved to approve up to $700, Paul seconds, 6 approved, 1 abstained.
  • plone.org - New site is up!! Still in the process of copying content over from the old site (still available at old.plone.org for now). Still have a few things to tweak and clean up, but it is looking great! We will create a news item about the new site and make sure to thank the appropriate people in that post.

Review Ongoing

  • Plone Conference - training meeting next Thursday, we have people to take on most of the trainings. Close to releasing the list of invited talks. EventBrite is getting set up for registration. Looking for housing for the trainers, who will receive a housing stipend for the conference.
  • Alexander and his wife welcomed a son into the world this morning. Congratulations!
  • Barcelona sprint is also happening this next week

Philip moved to adjourn, Alexander seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:15 UTC