Minutes for June 23, 2016
Meeting called to order at 19:08 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Philip Bauer
Absent: Carol Ganz (excused), Víctor Fernández de Alba
Approval of the minutes of June 9
Alexander moved to approve, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Action items
- Texas LinuxFest: We did not get a response from anyone interested in attending, so we will not set up a booth.
- KiwiPycon: One company will be attending and possibly giving a Plone talk. Chrissy will contact KiwiPycon about a booth and sponsorship
New Business
- 'Planning and Organizing Sprint' funding request: July 28-31 will be a sprint to discuss process and missing documentation. To happen in Amsterdam and possibly in the US and Brazil to encourage world-wide support with cheap travel costs. Alexander and Paul are co-organizers of the sprint, and will both be traveling and assisting with setup.
Chrissy made a motion to approve $1500 for the sprint, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Continued Business
- Marketing Position: The final document outlining the duties and process for a Marketing Lead has been finalized. Kim posted the PDF version to plone.org: https://plone.org/foundation/materials/foundation-resolutions/stipendforcommunicationsmarketingteamleader20160609.pdf/view
- Euro Python: Still deciding on giveaways, may do umbrellas (because Plone protects you)
- BSI Study: No official news from BSI
- PloneConf 2016: Trainings are mostly all set. Form for submitting talks is up, will be announced soon. Still working on getting more rooms for training.
Review Ongoing
- Philip is working on getting demo.plone.de to have more reliable uptime
Philip moved to adjourn, Alexander seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:00 UTC