Minutes for January 7, 2016

Meeting called to order at 21:03 UTC



Present: Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz joined late
Absent: none

Approval of the minutes of December 22

Philip moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimous approval

Action Items

  • Finances from Bucharest follow up- Money has been transferred

Incoming Correspondence

  • OSI - propose candidates
  • CMS Garden membership renewal - $1000 fee has been sent to Jen and will be taken care of.
  • Thank you to Eau de Web from Romania for being a Plone sponsor

New Business

  • Trademark question/renewal forwarded from Alan Runyan - Chrissy to follow up with Steve McMahon or Nutter if this is something we need to renew or transfer to Nutter

Continued Business

  • PyCon Prep - nothing new, Paul needs to coordinate with Eric
  • Discussion of Goals - organizing possible goals and narrowing them down. Kim and Paul will flesh out the final 4, and they will be voted on in the next meeting
  • Budget - Paul and Carol need to go over the budget one final time to include items from the goals
  • Ambassadors - still need final contact from the last two.
  • plone.org - nothing new to report, blocker on Github authorization, Victor will encourage Jens to finish up this task

Review Ongoing

  • Philip has done work on the Plone 5 demo site (http://demo.plone.de), it is open for the community to contribute
  • There is a plan for a documentation sprint
  • Plone Conference 2016 site - Steve set up a Linode with Ansible, the 2015 Conference site will also be on there
  • OwnCloud follow up - Ramon will ask companies about sponsorship, and should be able to raise the amount

Alexander moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 22:11 UTC