Minutes for January 21, 2016

Meeting called to order at 21:04 UTC



Present: Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen
Absent: Carol Ganz, excused

Approval of the minutes of January 7

Philip moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimous approval

Incoming Correspondence

  • New Sponsor - thank you to derico (Maik Derstappen)
  • Request from Falk Jaresch to coordinate about checking Plone's SEO - Alexander will reply

New Business

PyCon Phillipines

Dylan Jay requested flight expenses to get him to PyCon Phillipines (https://pycon.python.ph), we would get a Bronze sponsorship in return.

Philip moved to approve sending Dylan
Kim seconded
Unanimously approved


Cris Ewing was asked in person to give a keynote at PiterPy, a Python conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. He has requested funding to help send him there.

Alexander moved to approve
Victor seconds
Unanimously approved

Continued Business

  • Chrissy asked Nutter about the trademark renewal request that had been forwarded from Alan Runyan, it turned out to be phishing, so no action will be taken.
  • PyCon - Brandon and Cris are discussing keynote, Kim is checking if someone is already started to plan marketing stuff for the event (shirts, booth attendees)
  • Budget - we will all review the budget document and discuss at the next meeting. Paul and Carol need to work on finalizing
  • Ambassadors - still having trouble contacting the last two for confirmation

Board Goals

Our final goals are below. We discussed many more, but these are the ones we will focus on initially. 

Alexander moved to approve the goals
Kim seconded
Unanimously approved

  • Create strategic marketing plan, including resourcing, in cooperation with the Marketing team
  • Support the Zope fork being done by developers with legal, moral and other help
  • Obtain more sponsorships / increase our fundraising
  • Encourage and support onboarding of new community members and contributors


not much advancing - but Jens fixed authentication issues so we can use GitHub. He has requested a premium sponsorship in exchange for making the GitHub authentication a final product

== executive session ==

We decided that the new plone.org and plone.com will have About pages thanking the people and companies that had worked on those projects.
Sorrento will likely be the wrap-up for the final plone.org launch

Review Ongoing

  • Paul has been coordinating with Eric Steele and others on the Zope forks for keeping everything legal.

Chrissy moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 22:40 UTC