Minutes for February 18, 2016
Meeting called to order at 21:04 UTC
Present: Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Philip Bauer
Absent: None
Approval of the minutes of February 4
Philip moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Unanimously approved
Action Items
- Paul has contacted Nutter to ask about the trademark infringement, has not yet heard back
- Google Summer of Code - the application is ready. Steve McMahon and Paul Roeland have been made co-administrators (3 administrators were needed, so these two are in addition to Matthew Wilkes)
Incoming Correspondence
- Sponsorship request from a company that claims to use Plone, but appears to be phishing. Kim will ask them to send us the link to their Plone site so we can make sure they are valid.
- Thank you to Maik Derstappen, Franco Pelligrini and Philip Bauer - instead of getting a refund for their trainings at the Bucharest conference, they requested that the money to go to the Foundation
- Request from Paul Bolaram in Bangladesh for $120 USD for supplies and snacks for a Plone community meetup. He will send in his receipts for a refund. Alexander moved to approve, Paul seconded, Unanimously approved. Paul will add the event to plone.org.
- OSI Elections - once candidates are proposed we can vote
New Business
- Release schedule - there has been a question of having a secondary release manager that could handle Plone 4 fixes and assist Eric. The Framework team will discuss and make suggestions.
Continued Business
- PyCon: Plone has been asked to present a Keynote at PyCon. Cris Ewing will be presenting for the community. Thank you to everyone who has worked on securing this talk. .
- Budget: Paul and Carol worked together to get the budget ready. Chrissy moved to approve, Philip seconded, Unanimously approved. (Kim will prepare information for further discussion on having a paid marketing person)
- plone.org: Last week was a sprint - set priorities on what needs to be done before a release can happen. Need to be more focused on content, making the site stable, and wiring theme elements. Need to move forward on organizing a sprint that would be after Sorrento, with plenty of time before PyCon
Review Ongoing
- UI Team has been without a proactive leader for a while, they are looking for someone that would be able to lead. Does not need to be a person big on UI/UX, but can organize meetings and agenda, and make sure action items are being done.
- Plone Conference - Fred van Dijk is helping to finalize ideas for specific trainings and talks - specific ideas for people to take. also open submissions will be accepted
Alexander moved to adjourn, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 22:27 UTC