Minutes for December 1, 2016

Meeting called to order at 20:01 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer, Carol Ganz
Absent: None

Approval of the minutes of November 17

Alexander moved to approve, Phililp seconded
Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • CMSGarden - Alexander said it was nice, and a little smaller than he expected (around 30 people). They discussed plans for the next year. Alexander, Maik were in attendance from the Plone community.
  • Eric Steele did a podcast with Podcast.__init__ - https://www.podcastinit.com/episode-85-plone-with-eric-steele. A news item will go out soon.

Incoming Correspondence

  • Snapcraft - Sven let us know that Canonical would like to have Plone installable as a snap. Sven had a question on licensing, Paul has already replied that the licensing of Plone would not be affected, and any code written to get Plone working with Snapcraft could have a license different than Plone.

New Business

  • Event Funding Request - for the Alpine City Sprint in January, requesting $4000. The plan for the sprint is to work on getting Plone and Zope up to Python 3. Philip moves to approve up to $4000 to fund the sprint. Alexander seconded. Unanimously approved.
  • Prep for Budget 2017 - Carol has done some work on it. She and Paul need to coordinate to finish.
  • Marketing - We currently have one candidate, but there is still time to accept resumes until December 14
  • Roadmap - Eric Brehault has written a technical document for the Plone 2020 discussion. We will all review before publishing it to the community
  • PLOG Preparation - we got confirmation from the hotel that April 18-22 is approved, and the rates are set. Fulvio will be the point of contact. Headless CMS will be one of the areas of focus.
  • Plone Distributions - The Ansible kits are no longer as prominent as they used to be, and we can also include Docker. Some more options could be added to the downloads page with different colors. Philip will take care of this.
  • Plone Distributions II - We need a way to highlight distributions that use Plone (Plumi, Castle, Quaive). They are more like a sub-community than an add-on. Kim will start putting information together in a document, and invite marketing people to review before posting on plone.org.

Continued Business

  • Membership Committee - Kim passed info on to Philip. Philip still needs to get started.

Review Ongoing

  • Google Summer Of Code News Item has been published
  • Marketing Team Lead application request has been sent out through various outlets
  • Headless CMS team will meet next week.
  • There's a backlog of news items that need to be written/published. Had a discussion of where to keep track of this information

Carol moved to adjourn, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:05 UTC