Minutes for August 4, 2016

Note: There was no meeting July 21.

Meeting called to order at 19:05 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Carol Ganz
Absent: none

Approval of the minutes of July 7

Kim moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved

New Business

  • Funding Request: from InOut, a hackathon community in India. We will decline because it is not in our mission and the event is happening next week, but will offer to reimburse for marketing materials.
  • PyCon UK: A few people have agreed to help run a booth, so we will be able to reuse some materials from Euro Python with minimal expenses.

Continued Business

  • Google Summer Of Code: Matthew Wilkes is stepping down as the GSOC lead, so we need to choose a person who can take over in the future. There is a mentor summit coming up and we need to determine who will go to it. We determined this would be Matthew as the current GSOC lead and the person chosen as the new lead. We will reach out to a couple people we think would be a good fit.
  • GSOC Students at PloneConf: There has been a request for one of the GSOC students to be sent to the conference. We don't want to show favoritism, so we'd like to offer the option for all three to be sent, but we need to review budget and costs firsts. Decision postponed to the next meeting.
  • Euro Python Report: Paul was able to print some tshirts to share. Thank you to everyone who helped at the booth, including Calvin who did a great job selling and discussing the technical bits of Plone. The booth had a lot of positive attention, also had several people signing contributor agreements.
  • Amsterdam sprint: Looked at a lot at processes, including the release process so that everything is fully ready before each release. Also did a lot of work on the core and support  and management processes, as well as created a working plan for getting add-ons listed on the new plone.org.
  • Kiwi Pycon - sponsorship has been paid for, Chrissy will follow up to see if everything is in line for booth preparations.
  • Plone Conf 2016 - 55 tickets have been sold so far, need more talk proposals (deadline is August 31).
  • Need to send out official 2017 call Conference and Board of Directors. Paul will draft these next week.

Review Ongoing

  • Castle Sprint is September 15-19
  • Zope Sprint is September 28-30
  • Pycon.de after PloneConf

Alexander moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:09 UTC