Minutes for September 3, 2015
Annual meeting preparations; Conference planning updates; Plone 5 preparations
Paul called us to order at 20:03 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Kim Nguyen, Alexander Loechel, Cris Ewing, Chrissy Wainwright, Steve McMahon, Carol Ganz
Absent: Nobody!
Approval of the minutes of Aug 20, 2015
Alex moved approval, Paul seconded
Approved unanimously
+ check if action items were followed up
Prakhar Joshi is likely to be able to attend the conference -- within the already agreed budget.
Membership renewal process begun
Incoming correspondence
- url typo on Contrib Agreement
Paul will fix
- matching trademark notification
No problem; it was us
- sponsorships
New sponsorship from hatchd.com.au (Perth)
Continued Business
Annual Meeting prep
- timeline for election process
No changes
- reporting preparation
No progress; time remains
- call for proposals for 2016 conference
Call is out
Brochure CMS Garden
Efforts to get the text for this right have been muddled, but enthusiastic. Completed.
Opportunity for PyCon 2016 keynote speech
No changes since last meeting
Bucharest update & speakers
Sponsorships good; registrations slow; training sign ups high; talk submissions low. Time to solicit talk proposals.
Working on tickets for special speaker on accessibility (to be named if it works out)
We will probably need to cover air fare, hotel room, conference registration.
Perhaps $3,500.
Discussion unanimously positive; detailed budget will be submitted when available.
Cris moved to pre-approve up to $3,500; Alex seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Launch team (and marketing)
Carol and Kim have drafted a short news release.
Tweeting plan underway.
plone.com update for P5 in the works.
Information cards with multiple messages in the works.
Installers in good shape (except for Windows).
Date is formalized to September 15th.
Docs in good shape; theming doc spring in planning.
Release party in planning.
Brand identity
Still no progress. The floggings will continue until progress is made.
plone.com/org progress
new plone.org likely not done before P5
plone.com ready for update
Review ongoing
Miscellaneous small items
Adjourned at 20:52 UTC