Minutes for October 29, 2015
First meeting of the new board: appointment of officers and liaisons
Paul called us to order at 21:04 UTC
Present: Alexander Loechel, Carol Ganz, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen
Absent: None
Approval of minutes
Minutes for the October 1 meeting had already been approved by the previous board via email
Election of Officers
Paul nominated himself for President
Carol moved approval, Alexander seconded
Unanimously approved
Carol and Alexander nominated themselves for Vice President
Philip motioned for Carol to be VP, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Chrissy nominated herself for Secretary
Carol motioned, Alex seconded
Unanimously approved
Appointment of Treasurer
Alexander motioned to approve Jen Myers as the continuing Treasurer
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Thank you to Jen for continuing to be treasurer, and to Six Feet Up for allowing her to give us her time!
Incoming Correspondence
Cris Ewing noted we should change who the AWS emails go to since he is no longer on the board. aws@plone.org was updated to go to board@plone.org
Funding request from IndyPy for $300 for pizza money
Kim moved approval, Alexander second
Unanimously approved
Carol with coordinate directly with Jen for refund
The plone.org/plone.com admin team requested funds for moving to a new hosting platform. Rackspace hosting would be kept as a Testing platform.
Alex moved to approve $150/month for hosting fees, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Paul will contact the AI team, and get in touch with Jen about payment
Appointment of Team Liaisons
Membership Committee
Alex moved to appoint Kim as the committee chair
Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Marketing Committee - Paul and Kim
Philip made a motion that both Paul and Kim be Liaisons
Chrissy seconded
Unanimously approved
Other unofficial liaisons and contact points:
- Security Team - Alexander
- AI Team - Paul
- Framework Team - Philip
- CMS Garden - Alexander
- Sponsorship - Kim
- Plone.org - Victor
Plone.org update
- Working hard with a team of 8 people
- Had a sprint at Conference
- Set a deadline for December 1!
- Site is using Plone 5
- Has Github integration for authentication
- New Badges
Discussion of what to achieve during this term on the board
-- Executive Session --
Alex moved to adjourn, Paul seconds
Unanimously approved
Adjourned at 22:08 UTC