Minutes for October 1, 2015
New PF members, conference preparations, Plone 5 release review, end of 2015 board
Paul called us to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: Alexander Loechel, Carol Ganz, Paul Roeland, Steve McMahon, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen
Absent: Cris Ewing (excused)
Approval of the minutes of Sep 17, 2015 (taken by Kim)
Alex moved approval, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved (Chrissy, Steve, Carol abstaining)
+ Check if action items were followed up
Nothing that's not on the agenda elsewhere
Incoming correspondence
One new sponsor
Old Business
Alex moved that we sponsor Christina McNeill for up-to $2,000 USD for attendance to Plone Conf.
Chrissy seconded
Unanimously approved.
Rationale: we need her present for marketing/publicity work during the conference.
Annual meeting preparations
Planned for Thursday at end of regular conference.
- Reporting preparation
Steve, Jen and Paul are working on different sections of the report.
Proposal(s) Ploneconf 2016
We've received a request for a one-and-a-half-week extension of the deadline for submitting a proposal. There is at least one draft proposal in the works.
This was approved unanimously via e-mail deliberation.
This will likely push final approval of the 2016 Conference locale onto the general meeting.
Steve will notify the PF membership of the extension.
New Business
New members: recommendations from Membership Committee
The membership committee has recommended five persons for Foundation membership.
- K K Dhanesh
Alex moved approval, Carol seconded
Fred Van Dijk
Alex moved approval, Paul seconded
Roel Bruggink
Alex moved, Steve seconded
William Fennie
Steve moved approval, Carol seconded
Cris Ewing
Kim moved, Carol seconded
All approvals unanimous.
Carol or Christina will do news item. Steve will notify.
Opportunity for PyCon 2016 keynote speech
Cris is the main person working on this and is out ill. Deferred to next board.
Bucharest update & speakers
Talk list is short, but OK. Keynotes from Eric Steele (state of Plone) and Max Nakane (accessibility).
Plone 5 launch review
Far too many people to individually thank did launch work. Best launch ever. Thanks to the community!
Release manager stipend
Steve noted that the release of Plone 5 means we owe Eric Steele a major release stipend.
Carol moved approval of payment of the release manager stipend of $5,000 for a major release. Crissy seconded.
Unanimously approved.
This is a token payment to partially compensate for the tedious part of the work. Thanks, Eric!
Group hug after an eventful year, as this is the final meeting of the 2014/15 Board
We agreed by acclamation to officially and enthusiastically thank Jen Myers for acting as our Treasurer. Her work has been much appreciated.
Steve moved adjournment, Carol seconded
Unanimously approved
Adjourned at 21:00 UTC