Minutes for March 5, 2015

Strategic Summit, PyCon, EuroPython preparations

Paul called us to order 21:00 UTC



Present: Carol Ganz, Kim Nguyen, Steve McMahon, Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Cris Ewing
Absent: None!

Strategic Summit preparations

Maurizio Delmonte joined us to talk about Strategic Summit preparations. This topic taken out of order to allow for the guest.

Maurizio reported that nearly all the rooms are full (20 two bedroom, 10 three bedroom)

So, quite crowded this year. So folks who want to attend need to get a move on it.

Paul reported that he’s meeting with Sissy Nutt to help prepare. Paul has been drawing up plans for agenda, working with Martin.

Equipment? Stickers and post-its. Matt H may be able to bring some supplies.

Maurizio said he could send us a list of folks who he expects to attend.

Facilities: basement all the time; bar (but not for meetings); half of the garden; during dinners, probably the area in front of the pool (possibly also after dinner). Plus rooms of attendees.

Discussion of Internet/wifi/access point planning. Also 4G backup plan.

Planning for a car to be available to make trips to office supply store if necessary.

Chrissy asked about possible teleconference with PyCon. Cris said he needs a day and time to get an open access room at PyCon. (Attempt to get loan of teleconferencing equipment has failed.) Hangout will actually be open, but there’ll be a shared screen at PyCon. Paul suggested coordinating with the PyCon lunch break. Cris and Paul will plan this.

Approval of the minutes of Feb 19, 2015

Alex moved approval
Kim seconded
Unanimously approved with Carol abstaining

Incoming correspondence

- Plone Symposium Tokyo
Informational, no action required

New Business

Strategic summit topics

Fund solicitation letter; Kim and Carol have been working on the letter. A news item is ready to go.

General agreement it’s ready to go.

Financing: Paul noted that the fact this is in Europe has made it less expensive for many.


We’ve learned that Plone was not approved this year. We’ve no reason to believe there is any negative judgement here, and we’ve been encouraged to continue participating. Biko LIMS, a Plone-based project did get approved.

Paul is investigating some other possibilities for student-project funding for this year. Steve suggested we seek funding for some Southern-hemisphere scheduled projects. Tabled for now to seek some feedback.

EuroPython, Bilbao

We have volunteers to work a booth or stand. Discussed possible sponsorship opportunity. EuroPython has been a good opportunity in the past. Most of our presence in the past has been more on the order of guerrilla marketing.

After review of sponsorship prices, Carol suggested we stay more on the guerrilla side again. Kim and Cris noted that 1-2,000 Euro might get us some useful presence. We need to check on possible discounts for open-source orgs. Paul will check on the discount possibilities. A free booth space should be available.

Last year we spent ~ 1,200 for t-shirt-style marketing. Combined with the poster session, very valuable.

We’ll return to this when we have more price information.

Old Business

EU trademark renewal

Steve once again failed to make progress on this.

PyCon preparation update

Cris and Carol reported that they’re going forward with a new banner, t shirts, stickers, slide show. 

Many people have let us know they’re coming via Cris’ survey.

plone.com/org progress

plone.com: still planning quiet launch before PyCon. Provider listing prices still need work.

Paul noted that the quiet launch should not be delayed by provider listing issues. Just transfer everyone to start. General agreement.

plone.org: Hoping for a launch soon after PLOG/summit.

Review ongoing

Cris mentioned that the AWS costs for testing artifacts has been very low, but we need to get the big credit on the account.

Cris talked about possibilities for the event logo space on the homepage.

Kim is preparing to send out the general pre-summit questionnaire.

Adjourned at 22:40 UTC