Minutes for March 19, 2015


Paul called us to order at 21:00 UTC


Present: Cris Ewing, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Alex Loechel, Kim Nguyen
Absent: Steve McMahon (


Carol Ganz (



Kim taking minutes for this meeting.

Approval of the minutes of March 5, 2015

Postponed - the draft minutes are currently unavailable.

Incoming correspondence

  • OSI vote: 

    we voted and have updated our contact info. Next year we will have more lead time.

  • Interoperability standard (Geir Baekholt): ("Define interoperability standard for personalized digital experiences"). Put it out to membership to see if anyone interested in being on committee. Kim will forward Geir's email.

New Business

Strategic summit preparation

Survey looks ok. News article, discussion forum, mailing lists (plone-users, plone-developers, evangelism, PloneEdu, Tweet, Facebook, Google Plus). Alexander: would like to send survey out to university. Add field to ask for employer / organization. Kim will send out after adding Alexander's suggested field.

Kim to ask a well known vendor for videoconferencing equipment.

Paul will send out a cleaned up document showing what will be in the summit, by March 31. 

Should be ok for equipment, internet connection.

Strategic summit funding requests

3 for now. Kim (costs up to $1000), Christina costs up to $1600, Ramon (costs up to 462 euros). Donations at $1100 currently. Re send requests out for sponsorship. Alexander moved to approve current requests. Cris seconded. On Christina: all aye, no nay, no abstentions. Passed. Paul will contact her. On Ramon: Alexander moved, Paul seconded. All aye, no nays, no abstentions. Passed. On Kim: Cris moved, Alexander seconded. All aye, no nays, Kim abstained. Carried.

Amazon Web Services account issues

Credit card expiration date changed. Information has been updated. Chrissy: can Jen check the statement? Total expenditures less than $1.

Old Business

EU trademark renewal

Tabled due to Steve's absence. 


Cris: Banner from Six Feet Up looks great; shipping being handled. 15 people responded to survey to be in the booth. Ordered 50 shirts. Video plans coming together (Six), shipping iMac for table. Prepping demo walk through of Plone 5. Considering getting a demo of Plone Intranet Consortium's work.


Paul. CodeSyntax's assistance. Likely we will get a booth, will set up help desk session and poster session. We have until April 12 to respond. Paul will find out at Sorrento who will be able to help. New poster may be coming too.


Chrissy. Responsive design is in. Christina has stories. Kim still working on provider listing. On track.


Paul. No updates. Work will proceed in Sorrento.

Review ongoing

ploneconf.org site has gone live. Looks great, has gotten great feedback so far.

Thanks to Matthew Wilkes & David Bain for getting us in as a subproject of the GSOC via Python Software Foundation! https://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2015#New_Sub-orgs

Tokyo symposium planning is under way. Registration is open, very inexpensive. Paul will contact Manabu to find out whether Plone Board attendees need to register separately. tokyo.plonesymp.org

Intranet sprint has taken place. Look forward to seeing their work.


Cris moved adjournment. Alex seconded. Passed.

Adjourned at 21:45