Minutes for June 25, 2015
Tokyo, new sponsorship category, Bucharest update, PSU web conference report
Paul called the meeting to order at 20:08 UTC
Attending: Paul Roeland, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Chrissy Wainwright, Alexander Loechel, Steve McMahon, Cris Ewing
Absent: none.
Approval of the minutes of June 11, 2015
Chrissy moved approval. Alexander seconded. Unanimously approved, with Cris abstaining
+ check if action items were followed up
plonesymp.org domain transfer (Kim) still to be initiated
Incoming correspondence
We have a new sponsorship request!
New Business
Tokyo Symposium report
Paul has written a blog post at http://polyrambling.tumblr.com/post/122157975895/tokyo-symposium-a-very-plone-event. The symposium was a great success, impressively organized and hosted. Great talks on higher education, particularly the talk on using Plone to make learning more interactive, and a wide variety of technical talks. One truly noteworthy talk on accessibility by Max Nakane. Attendees (~70) came from all parts of Japan. Wonderful hospitality, flawless organization. There was media coverage, and we gave an interview to an important Japanese tech blog.
[small executive session]
Paul reported that Max Nakane's comments re: Plone accessibility compliance were essentially that it's much better than we say. There are Github issues filed to make these changes. We would love to have Max join us in Bucharest, as part of a possible accessibility track.
New Sponsorship Category
Kim described Sébastien Verbois' idea of creating a new category of sponsorship, for universities and local governments.
Chrissy: how do we show edu/local govt/non-profits/foundations/institutional/user sponsors on plone.com? There is currently a "premium sponsor" section at the bottom of plone.com/providers.
Discussion of the various sponsorship levels. More discussion needed.
Kim will respond to Sébastien to let him know we will proceed with his suggestion and consult with him on appropriate wording, then circulate a draft description of the new category, which will eventually appear at plone.org/donate.
Google Administrivia
Carol will look into the issue re: Google App logins. Cris will assist. (https://good-py.appspot.com/).
Steve has already handled the Google Voice account issue.
Follow-up Items
Paul: a lot of work will be taken up at the Arnhem sprint. Nathan Van Gheem will likely be there early.
Old Business
Bucharest update
Paul will meet with Alec Ghica this week. Talk selections still to be done. Location is secured. Training will be included in the price. Lots of training will be provided:
- Content-Management (1 day)
- Webmaster (1 day)
- Theming and Customizing (2 days)
- Development (2 days)
- Javascript for Plone-Developers (2 days)
Kim: is it a long term policy change applying to future conferences to have training included in the price? Paul: this is to be discussed but would be great incentive for attending. Trainers will get hotel reimbursement, no conference fee, possibly flights reimbursed. Kim: but will there still be financial incentive for trainers? Paul & Alexander: providing training is a promotional opportunity for the trainers. Chrissy: her experience was that she perhaps at best broke even at past events. Paul: trainers could see it as an investment that maybe would pay off in the following year. Cris: the Bucharest trainers seem ok with this arrangement. Carol: we need to ensure we are still going to get good trainers.
EuroPython preparation update
Paul: we need a poster. Will discuss at the marketing team meeting tomorrow. Talks have been accepted. One Plonista's talk has been accepted, and another's is high on the waiting list.
plone.com/org progress
Plone.com: Kim: there will be a Plone 5 landing page and a plone.org news item about the launch of plone.com.
Plone.org: Paul: we need to get Paragon.plone.org going (hi Kim!).
Review ongoing
Kim gave an overview of the Penn State web conference (http://webconference.psu.edu). ~500 attendees. Wildcard was a sponsor and both Six Feet Up and Wildcard had tables there. Almost all traffic at the tables was from PSU people we already know. There was one very nice Plone talk by Six Feet Up but generally the talks were somewhat more general in nature (accessibility, content creation, marketing). No other well known CMS vendors had tables.
Possibility of combined Six Feet Up / Wildcard training at PSU this fall; in early discussion stages.
Carol: do we want to consider having a presence at HEUG Milwaukee (http://2015.highedweb.org)? Sponsorship costs at least $3000 for bronze, $5000 for more visibility. Oct. 4-7, 2015. Cris: would be less expensive to submit a talk, e.g. a case study. There are 10 additional regional events at much lower cost. $950 to attend the Milwaukee conference. Paul: can we come up with an estimate? (Carol to provide).
Cris moves adjournment at 21:20 UTC. Paul seconds. Passed.