Minutes for January 8, 2015

New PF Members, New PF Address, Strategic Summit Initial Planning

Paul called the meeting to order at 21:05 UTC



Attending: Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Paul Roeland, Steve McMahon, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Cris Ewing
Absent: None!

Approval of the minutes of Dec 23, 2014

Alex moved approval with changes to bring level of detail into line with typical minutes.
Cris seconded
Unanimously approved with Steve and Carol abstaining

Incoming correspondence

- email from VNC (Swiss)

Steve will follow up to see just what they’re after, and what type of communication they need. (also mention internet consortium, ask about synergy)

- new PO box 

The new address for the Plone Foundation is:

PO Box 431
Fishers, IN  46038 

Carol and Jen have keys to the PO Box.

Paul will try to find all the places this is mentioned, applying fixes. 

New Business

Double-check: GSOC accounting

It looks like we got everything to Google in a timely way. Thanks to Paul and Jen.

Membership Committee report

Kim reported that the Membership Committee has strongly recommended three candidates for admission to the PF membership: Kees Hink, Sally Kleinfeldt and Guido Stevens.

Taking them up individually:

Guido Stevens
Carol moved approval of Guido
Cris seconded
Unanimously approved.

Kees Hink
Cris moved approval
Alex seconded
Unanimously approved

Sally Kleinfeldt
Alex moved approval
Kim seconded
Unanimously approved, with Eli (Chrissy’s baby) adding an extra “Aye"

Steve will notify and do bookkeeping

Kim will write the news release

Old Business

Budget 2015

No progress since the last meeting; Carol and Paul assured us they’ll get it going again. This draft won’t contain the Strategic Summit.

Strategic summit preparation

Paul is having a technical meeting with Maurizio

Question of streaming or electronic participation. Streaming may not be practical or desirable, but it would be possible to organize an open evening session.There may be a lot of small-group discussions. Also, Steve noted the “close your laptops” during discussions form of the last summit as being one of the keys to success.

Cris suggested something like sprint report outs on a daily basis. Possibly an assigned reporting team. (Paul later noted that a telepresence hookup with Pycon might be great.)

Cris and Kim noted the “before” email list discussions from Bristol as helping build energy.

Notes from previous summit at https://plone.org/events/2008-summit/

Steve suggested that our first priority is raising funding. Contacting Plone companies. Carol noted that the contributors listed for 2008 was mostly individuals. So, news items, users list.

Last time, the foundation matched up to $5,000. Total donated was $5,130. 11 participants were sponsored in all or part.

Steve moved we promise to match up $7,500 USD in contributions
Carol seconded
Unanimously approved

Kim will draft a request for contributions; Carol will help.

Note past success, current needs, community’s excellent reputation for constructive discussion.

Future discussions: agenda, choice of facilitators, policy/choice of scholarship recipients.

Membership survey

Kim reported on the returns from the membership survey to-date

Kim suggested he send one more reminder to the membership.

Should we then seek extended input?

Paul suggested we instead seek input directly aimed at agenda for Strategic Summit. So, ask once more, then move on to Strategic Summit issues.

Alex and Carol suggested sending a summary of current responses to the membership list.

Kim noted that some of the responses are useful in thinking about Strategic Summit issues.

plone.com/org progress

Carol reported that plone.com went on holiday vacation, but work is resuming.

Paul confessed much the same about plone.org progress.

We need to check with the admin team on resource allocation for plone.org.

Review ongoing

Holiday excuse recycled for Paragon.

How can we advance the POSSIBLE exec director discussion. Kim volunteered to draft a job description that could make the discussion more concrete.

Steve moved adjournment

Adjourned at 22:10 UTC

Next meeting Jan 22.