Minutes for January 22, 2015
Budget approved; CMSGardens, PyCon & Strategic Summit preparation
Paul called us to order at 21:05 UTC
Attending: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Cris Ewing, Kim Nguyen, Steve McMahon, Carol Ganz
Absent: None!
Approval of the minutes of Jan 8, 2015
Cris moved approval
Chrissy seconded
Unanimously approved
+ check if action items were followed up
Paul is still working on the address changes; only contrib agreement remains
All else on agenda
Incoming correspondence
VNC is interested in meeting to demo their new work.
Paul suggested we do it as an informal subcommittee.
Alex, Kim, Paul interested, but it will be whomever it’s possible to schedule.
New Business
CMS Garden 2015
Maik Derstappen has let us know there are plans for more CMS Garden activities, though probably not at CeBit, since they are no longer sponsoring.
Alexander also reminded us that there is an annual fee for the CMS Garden membership.
We also need a second representative, and discussed possibilities. Alex will contact a couple of possibilities. Paul will also be seeing some of the CMS Garden players and will have a general discussion with them.
PyCon preparation
Cris reported that he’d met with Carol and Jim of Six Feet Up and they are working on action items for representation. Probably a booth plus some guerrilla-style marketing. A poll is in progress to find out how many t-shirts we might need. 5 reasons for Plone 5 will be message. Also collecting videos to show.
Expected expenses: poster, t-shirts
Steve moved we allocate a not-to-exceed budget of $1,000 for PyCon preparation. If more is needed, consult board.
Cris seconded
Unanimously approved
Cris noted that we need a project description and proposed using the one from last year:
Carol and Jim will update the language to make it a bit less tedious.
Paul noted that EuroPython will be 20-26 July in Bilbao.
Old Business
Budget 2015
Carol and Paul have been working on the budget. Their current work projects a loss of $16k. While this may sound big, last year’s budget projected a larger loss and there was nothing significant. The big difference is assuming $10k less conference income with no projected increase in sponsorship revenue. This is a deliberately pessimistic estimate.
We shared a spreadsheet with the budget and discussed it. Some brainstorming on sponsorship strategies.
Cris moved we accept the budget with thanks to Carol and Paul
Kim seconded
Unanimously approved
Paul will post the budget
Strategic summit preparation
Paul has had a couple of meetings with Maurizio Delmonte to discuss details
Brief Executive Session to discuss summit finances
Session concluded with no action
Lots of sticky dots being obtained; space reserved for bigger get togethers.
Alex suggested inviting Maurizio to an upcoming meeting to discuss details. General agreement.
Board needs to be involved in content.
Brief discussion of possible invitations.
Kim has a draft request for summit sponsorship contributions. We’ll work on that at the next meeting.
Membership survey
Deferred to next meeting.
plone.com/org progress
Progress reports on both. Actual progress on both.
Adjourned at 22:37 UTC