Minutes for February 19, 2015
PyCon preparation; 4D sprint funding; Strategic Summit preparations
Paul called us to order at 21:00 UTC
Present: Cris Ewing, Steve McMahon, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Alex Loechel, Kim Nguyen
Absent: Carol Ganz, excused
Approval of the minutes of Feb 5, 2015
Alex move approval, Cris seconded
Unanimously approved
Taken out of order, as Cris had to leave early:
PyCon preparation update
All the various moving and fixed parts have been assembled. T-Shirt and poster templates and such. Cris is still seeking names of folks planning to attend.
A provisional budget has been developed by Cris and Jim with a total of 2,250 USD.
Cris noted that they have still been unable to find any of the Plone banners that have been floating around. A banner is the “booth panel” item, $550. Actually a Plone panel for a frame that 6FU has. There would be several panes, based on benefits of Plone 5. Shipping is $250 more. Schwag item is TBD.
Kim and Steve noted the importance of this as our only scheduled US marketing opportunity.
Paul reported that one of the other event’s we’ve attended in the past won't be taking place in 2015 although it was in the budget. That leaves more room.
Steve moved we add a $250 contingency line and pre-approve a $2,500 expenditure for PyCon.
Alex seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Cris left the meeting for an urgent engagement.
Incoming correspondence
- clarification question from Treasurer
Request for explanation of tax items by CPA. Steve responded.
- GSOC ideas
An idea from David Bain. Paul noted that it isn’t really the board’s responsibility to evaluate ideas. But we can forward to Matthew. Matthew is currently working on our organizational application.
New Business
EU trademark renewal
Steve failed to get our response letter out, but promised to get it done ASAP.
Event funding request (revisited)
Paul has been in touch with Roel on the budget for the 4D Anniversary sprint. This has been recommended by the Framework Team as a strategic sprint.
Paul moved we approve this at the $4,000 level as a strategic sprint
Chrissy seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Paul will notify Roel.
Old Business
Strategic summit preparation
Paul will extend the invitation to attend a board meeting to Maurizio Delmonte.
Strategic Summit was discussed at Plone Team leaders meeting and it was agreed to seek topics for discussion and ways of discussing them.
Carol has been working on a donation solicitation letter for summit. A draft was sent to the board.
Letter is shaping up nicely. No concerns voiced.
Paul said he would take responsibility for getting up an Ammado donation page. Should be by Monday. Then Kim will send it out.
Brief discussion of how to get indications of interest in being sponsored. Steve will get up a form.
Kim has a running spreadsheet of chores that need doing in preparation.
Paul noted the need to keep banging the drums for this.
Additional topic discussion:
Community process; Eric would be a great leader for this.
EDU interest group; Alex can coordinate, Kim will help.
plone.com/org progress
Chrissy reported ongoing progress on plone.com.
Plone.Org: Paul reported that key people have been very busy. So movement is slow.
Plone.Com: Kim noted that it would be handy to have some sample listings at various sponsorship levels available for the soft launch. Brief discussion of sponsorship levels. Alex suggested a baseline built on one-hour of consulting time in your market. So a 1-person company charging $100 per hour would donate $100. A company with 5 consultants charging $200 would donate $1,000.
Review ongoing
Kim asked if it would be a good idea to put out a more general survey leading up to PLOG. Discussion of what should be in it. Paul offered ideas for changing from the membership survey.
Paul offered the idea that we particularly ask our ambassadors to poll in their own languages. So, once questionnaire is available, ask the ambassadors to move it.
Alex reported on conversations with VNC. He discovered that much of what they need is not really things that the board can help with. He suggested direct communications with community and with Plone Intranet group. He also suggested raising visibility by helping sponsor Plone activities.
Paul reported he’d been in touch with Alex Ghica and company regarding PloneConf. Drawing up a list of potential company sponsors. Still expecting site by end of month.
Adjourned at 22:11