Minutes for December 22, 2015

Meeting called to order at 21:02 UTC



Present: Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen. Carol Ganz
Absent: none

Approval of the minutes of December 10

Carol motion, Philip second
Unanimous approval

Action Items

  • Paul declined the CIO Review advertising request
  • Paul met with Alec on Conference financial report. There is unfinished business that people from Bucharest still need to transfer money to the foundation. Money will go back to the trainers once we have Paypal info for each trainer.
  • 5 of the 7 Ambassadors have responded and said they would like to continue being ambassadors

Incoming Correspondence

Funding requests to be discussed in New Business

New Business

Sprint Funding Request for the Alpine City Sprint.

  • Philip moves to support the sprint with $2000 USD.
  • Carol seconded
  • approved unanimously
  • Philip will respond to the request

Licensing/funding question from Ramon for OwnCloud

  • -- executive session --
  • Victor will coordinate with Ramon to ask more questions

Continued Business

  • PyCon prep. If keynote speakers are not paid, we will help. There is a team that will work together in helping put the presentation put together, but it has not yet been officially determined who will give the keynote. Possibly re-use the EuroPython poster
  • Discussion of Goals - going through our document making items more clear or picking out ones that are not meant for the board as a whole. Will continue to review individually
  • Budget Prep - Have a couple more items to add, tabling further discussion
  • Ambassadors - Waiting to hear back from two more to confirm they would like to continue being ambassadors
  • plone.org - The new server is online. Working on GitHub authentication and finishing the theme. Also working to update content and 'sales pitch' of the site

Review Ongoing

  • Christine Baumgartner and Jens are working on plan for Plone 15th Anniversary
  • Jen will work on finances for the conference in exchange for Six Feet Up sponsorship for the conference
  • Have our first Gold sponsor for the Boston Plone conference - cars.com
  • Conference Linode has Plone 5 running with a placeholder page for now
  • Report on BSI study (https://www.bsi.bund.de/EN/): The Plone security model almost convinced the researcher to set up a Plone site for his own usage. Said Plone security concept is very advanced, but the UI is a bit complicated.
  • Plone 5.0.1 is in the works

Alexander moved to adjourn the meeting, Philip seconded
Approved unanimously
Meeting adjourned 22:29 UTC