Minutes for December 10, 2015
Meeting called to order at 21:02 UTC
Present: Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen. Carol Ganz
Absent: none
Approval of the minutes of November 24
Carol moved to approve, Paul seconded
Approved unanimously
Action Items
- We are now part of the Open Invention Network - http://www.openinventionnetwork.com
Incoming Correspondence
- CIOReview- Had a request to pay $3000 to be featured in their magazine, we will decline because it appears to be pay-for-play
New Business
- Received the Plone Conference 2015 Finance Report, they asked for confirmation that everything was fine. Paul will be meeting with Alex Ghica tomorrow. They will be requesting a further breakdown of the expenses, especially for the visitors we flew in.
- Plone Conference 2016 server: The conference organizers are putting forth effort for the Conference site to be passed on to future organizers so it could be easily updated. AI Team is not sure if a spare linode will be available yet. Due to payment processing, they will continue to use the ploneconf.org domain instead of a plone.org subdomain. Carol suggested asking Six Feet Up for a VM. Paul's suggestion: go for a linode without going through the AI team. Foundation can pay for the hosting.
Continued Business
- PyCon Prep: We have a booth with two paid passes. We will later determine who will get the two passes.
- -- executive session related to PyCon --
- Further discussion of goals via Google Doc. Over the next couple weeks we will each review, discuss, and add.
- Budget Prep: Carol went through the line items. Budget is close to done. Paul will send it out to the board for review.
- Ambassadors: Still working on contacting all the ambassadors to check if they are interested in still being ambassadors.
- plone.org: AI team has set up server, Fulvio has been working on the ansible playbook. Should be ready to deploy there this weekend to be used as Staging, will include the new theme and Jazkarta's Badge system.
Review Ongoing
- Vienna sprint will happen in March
Philip moved to adjourn the meeting, Paul seconds
Approved unanimously
Adjourned at 22:18 UTC
Next meeting will be December 22