Minutes for October 2, 2014
Plone Conf 2014 preparation and 2015 consideration; preparation for end of term.
Cris called the meeting to order in Paul’s absence
Andy took notes in Steve’s absence
Present: Alex Loechel, Andy Leeb, Érico Andrei, Cris Ewing, Paul Roeland (arrived late), Steve McMahon (arrived late)
Absent: Tom Kapanka
Approval of minutes for September 18
Skipping approval of minutes until we have minutes - can’t find them.
(We returned to this at the end of the meeting.)
Approval of membership committee recommendations
The board received recommendations from the Membership Committee to approve memberships for
Johannes Raggam
Leonardo J. Caballero
, and
Maarten Kling.
Taking these one at a time:
Andy moved to approve, Érico second - unanimously approved
Erico moved to approve, Andy seconded - unanimous
Alex moved to approve, Erico seconded - unainmous
Érico reminded us to not speak about this until officially announced
Christina will be asked to write a news item - Steve will do this
Steve will prepare the official email and do the other admission tasks.
Executive session - report on new
Steve took over taking minutes
Paul arrived
Executive session ended with no actions.
New Business
Bristol conference
Matt Hamilton joined us for a report on Bristol preparations
Matt reported that ticket sales are still low; many speakers have not yet bought tickets. History is that one-third usually buy tickets in the last month.
There is a venue for the dinner and party. There had been some confusion on that.
Recon for wifi has taken place. Some components will be inherited from previous conferences.
In general, it appears that there are fewer attendees signed up per company.
Matt reported that the talks looked amazing. There were fewer proposals, but of excellent quality.
The Plone Foundation general meeting will be Friday, during the open spaces.
Matt left the call
Executive discussion to discuss an email controversy
Executive session ended with no action
Proposals Ploneconf 2015: due diligence
We have a revised proposal from Bucharest. This has higher ticket prices (350 Euro regular admission) than the original proposal. Bucharest is expected to be less expensive due to much lower prices in Romania. An OSI or EU grant might also help attract new participants.
Érico wondered if participation projections are reasonable; Paul said he thought so due to lower prices. Noted that Bristol is very expensive to non-UK visitors.
Steve proposed we publish the proposal and ask the membership for comments, with formal consideration next week. Paul said there are a few things we might want to get fixed first. Both Paul and Steve recommended against having a membership vote when there’s only one proposal. Steve clarified that he meant to ask the PF membership, not the world.
Plan: take a week to get some polish, then go to membership for comments.
Planning for end of term
Call for new Board candidates, financial & content reporting to membership.
Paul has prepared the call for board nominations.
We’re still planning an open meeting for next week. We may do some business at the end.
Steve recovered the minutes from Sept 18th and asked we consider them out of order.
Andy moved approval
Cris seconded
Unanimously approved, with Érico abstaining
Adjourned at 22:12 UTC