Minutes for February 20, 2014
Documentation, Beer & Wine, London Community sprint funding; sprint reports; Plone advisors/ambassadors
Paul called us to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Érico Andrei, Alex Loechel, Andy Leeb, Steve
Absent: Cris, Spanky (both excused)
Guest: Tania Andrea stopped in to tell us that the books are closing on the conference, and approximately $5,000 is expected to go to the Plone Foundation. Money wired soon. The combined Python and Plone confs were double the size of any previously held.
Bad news: ten sessions had video issues and won’t be available. Everything else is being uploaded.
Tania left the call.
Approval of the minutes of Feb 6, 2014
Érico moved approval; Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
+ check if action items were followed up
Steve and Paul accepted 20 lashes for failing to get the budget ready to publish.
We’ll set a March 1st date for that.
Érico will update the budget to match the Brasilia contribution.
World Plone Day has been scheduled for April 30th. This is adjoining a holiday in some places, but it’s the best available. Several events in planning in Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Brazil.
Steve is continuing to work on the SSL cert. Do we really need the wildcard?
Incoming correspondence
Brief executive discussion concerning correspondence on a community matter. No action.
Discussed correspondence on a trademark issue. Initiated contact to attempt informal resolution.
New Business
Funding requests
Request for funding for documentation sprint in Munich, $1,500. (Paul noted that he is on the doc team and will likely attend; Alex is one of the hosts).
Érico moved approval, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Bear and wine sprint, $4,000 request for major strategic sprint; approved as strategic by framework team.
Paul expressed concern that this would be our second major strategic sprint funding in Germany in a relatively short time.
Also, Eric Steele has a separate budget for travel, and need not be incorporated.
Steve suggested funding documentation and bear/wine separately at the minor strategic sprint level of $1,500 (each).
South Africa has not officially asked yet.
Other information: we may be spending $1,000 less on the Cathedral Sprint than allocated.
Alex moved that we allocate $1,500 each for these, and that if they can document additional needs, we’re open to spending all or part of money that’s come back from the last couple of sprints.
Steve seconded
Unanimously approved
London community sprint, $217. Request received after event, which is not normally OK, but discussion favored making an exception.
Steve moved we approve, slap Matthew on the wrist for late application, and require a blog entry on event.
Paul seconded
Paul will contact
Old Business
Idealware advertisement
There’s been email list discussion of the PF buying a sidebar ad in Idealware’s CMS report. General agreement this is one of our best publicity opportunities of the year.
Alex moved to give Cris authority to negotiate a deal. Set a confidential top amount to be communicated to Cris.
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
A plone.com deployment sprint is planned for this weekend.
There was discussion at Cologne on eliminating Plone Software Center on plone.org, largely replacing it with a reference to PyPI, a “featured” listing and a separate themes listing. We talked about sending a note to product devs noting how to code in python packages to assure proper listing. There is a solid team developing for the vetting of new products for the “featured" listing.
Pluses and minuses discussed, but we found no serious problems with the idea.
Sprints reportout
Reports from doc and Cologne sprints. Doc strategy is looking good. docs.plone.org is target.
Documentation will be under CC 4, attribution-only. This is the only license that will make it really easy to translate. We will need to make sure that contrib agreement is signed by doc authors contributing to that area.
Alex moved that CC 4-Attribution be the licensing for documentation
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved.
This changes the old CC-By-SA-NC license (no version).
Steve will update the old FAQ; Andy will update the folks at WildCard who are helping with the contrib agreement.
Noted for the minutes: Timo Stollenwork did an amazing job with Cathedral Sprint.
Advisory/ambassador board
We still need to complete contacts with ambassadors to get their biographical details. Paul talked about getting a few mini-interviews done by the communications/news team. General agreement.
review ongoing
Other Items
Paul: Before 12 April, we need to submit a poster proposal for EuroPython. It would be really great to have a poster for Plone 5. Paul will lead this up.
Adjourned at 21:25 UTC