Minutes for August 7, 2014
Zidanka sprint made strategic; EuroPython report; planning for fall.
Paul called us to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: Alexander Loechel, Andy Leeb, Steve McMahon, Paul Roeland, Cris Ewing, Érico Andrei (late)
Absent: Tom (Spanky) Kapanka
Approval of the minutes of July 10, 2014
Alex moved approval, Cris seconded
Unanimously approved
+ check if action items were followed up
Steve will do a news item for membership additions
Formal letter sent July 14 to Andreas Jung regarding #plone ban
GSOC payment notification send
Membership notifications sent
Incoming correspondence
Matt Hamilton let us know that the call for speakers and ticket booking now available on http://2014.ploneconf.org
Kristof van Tomme of the Drupal community has corresponded with us about CMS Garden type participation in FOSDEM, a large European Open Source event. Paul has collaborated with Kristoff and other (Joomla, Wordpress, others) on a proposal. Cooperation is very friendly.
New Business
Bristol conference update
A keynote speaker is secured.
Code of Conduct is prominently featured on link to signup page; there are plans for a response team prepared with useful knowledge.
There are likely to be sprint rooms available during the training.
There is likely to be a Pyramid track.
Call for proposals Ploneconf 2015
Plan is to open the window for applications Sep 1, due Sep 29th.
Cris volunteered to get a news item out on this.
Request for sprint sponsorship
Zidanca sprint. We’d previously approved this as a community sprint. This was elevated to a strategic sprint by the framework team. We subsequently discussed this by email and agreed to offer $2,500 funding.
Cris moved approval of $2,500 as addressed in email. Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Timeline: membership renewal, board candidates
Steve will get the membership renewal process running in September.
Paul will handle the solicitation for board candidates, starting October 1.
Europython report-out
Paul reported that it was excellent for Plone. Lots of community presence. Great T-Shirts and poster session. 80-90 t-shirts handed.
We want to officially and enthusiastically thank Stefania Trabucchi for tremendous work in organizing the Plone presence, both before and during the conference.
Poster from poster session has been uploaded to plone.org. It’s fantastic, and is available for re-use.
[Érico joined the call.]
Remaining shirts will be shipped to Bristol.
Plone social night was also a great success.
All in all, a great guerrilla marketing success.
Érico suggested we get in a registration for N America PyCon. Cris volunteered to handle this.
Old Business
plone.com/org progress
Paul joined a framework team meeting to talk about tickets. Agreement that main issue tracker will be on github in the plone meta package, with scripts to move items to pertinent package trackers.
Nabble representation of plone users list has a lot of spam. We should probably get rid of it and suggest alternative reading mechanisms like gmane.
Paul will work on this. We should also be retiring some of the lists that are better served via community.plone.org.
Steve suggested we encourage closing of StackOverflow questions that are unanswerable.
Adjourned at 20:55 UTC