Minutes for August 21, 2014

Zidanca budget increased, PyCon 2015 preparations

Paul called the meeting to order at 20:05 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Érico Andrei, Steve McMahon, Cris Ewing
Absent: Andy Leeb (excused), Tom Kapanka

Approval of the minutes of August 7, 2014

Érico moved approval, Cris seconded
Unanimously approved

+ check if action items were followed up

Cris drafted an announcement of the schedule for the proposal and approval process for PloneConf 2015. With minor changes, approved. Cris will work on a news item.
This information should be going out today.

We checked on our screen-shot service for the service-provider area of Plone.Org. We’ve concluded this isn’t really worth fixing since it’s to be replaced soon.

Incoming correspondence

All the correspondence is on the agenda already.

New Business

Bristol conference update

Ticket sales operating and talks solicitation has begun. Paul suggested we have Matt join us 
call for proposals Ploneconf 2015.

Zidanca sprint followup

We received correspondence from the organizers indicating they’re running short covering travel expenses. Paul suggested that we raise their allocation to $3,000 and ask them to divide it up.
Discussion: this was an immensely productive sprint, and some very important parts of it were put together at late notice to meet changing needs.

Alex moved to raise the allocation for Zidanca to $3,000.
Cris seconded
Unanimously agreed, with big thanks to the organizers.

Rackspace question

We had a flurry of communications when our free account accidentally expired.
Big thanks to Martin Opstad Reistadbakk, Jesse Noller and Rackspace for working this out.

Old Business

PyCon 2015

Cris reported that he has checked into getting a table and is working out the details. Carol Ganz has indicated that 6FU might be interested in participating in that effort. 6FU is supplying some marketing materials sources that will be very helpful.

Cris also suggested we go for a poster session.

Goal: plan this better than we did last year.

General agreement that the EuroPython poster and the five advantages materials are a great starting point for the P5 marketing effort.

Paul suggested that the T-Shirts at EuroPython had a tremendous impact. A great education expenditure.

Cris will continue to be our lead on this and will work with Carol.

plone.com/org progress

Alexander and Steve were not able to meet with Liz on plone.com. Steve will write to Liz.

Paul will push on plone.org.

Thanks to Nathan van Gheem for getting all-SSL, all the time, going on plone.org.

Steve will get back on the wildcard certificate issue.

Adjourned at 20:55 UTC