Minutes for April 3, 2014

New foundation members, PloneGovBr sprint funding, sprint reports


Called to order 20:05 UTC


Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Andy Leeb, Cris Ewing, Steve McMahon
Absent: Tom (spanky) Kapanka, Érico Andrei (checked in briefly at start of meeting)

Approval of the minutes of Mar 3, 2014

Alex moved approval, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved

+ check if action items were followed up

CMS Day France: Paul has received a contract. We approved 500 Euros; with taxes, 600 Euros are required.
General agreement this is no problem.

EuroPython, possible sponsorship: Alex reported that conversations have suggested it will be too much work and money. Request is dropped. Paul noted that sponsorship is really too expensive for the value. This is a place for Guerrilla marketing.

Idealware report is out and Plone is well-represented. Thanks much to Cris and Nathan for their work updating information.

Incoming correspondence

  • Request for partnering with a CDN.  Paul will respond, noting they’re more than welcome to speak with larger developer community about integration, but not a good role for a non-profit foundation.

  • Request for information on our IRS filings. Answered by Steve.

  • A note received indicating that our information is out-of-date on CMS-Matrix. Paul volunteered to update it.

  • A suggestion that we do something to have a presence at OSCON. Late July in Portland. Application for non-profit pavilion due by April 22nd. Cris will submit an application for us.

  • Event funding request: $300 request for a community sprint by PloneGovBr; opendata in government.

    Steve moved approval

    Paul seconded

    Unanimously approved

    We’ll ask Érico to communicate

New Business

Logo infringement

Someone has reversed an old Plone logo and used it as their logo. We need to send them an objection.
Andy will ask Nutter to send a letter.

Sprints report

Huge sprint activity. Documentation sprint and Beer & Wine sprints have made great progress. 

We now have a documentation style guide for add-on authors. Plan is to announce this at PLOG. docs.plone.org will be destination. Even handles versions.

Beer and Wine was mostly beer, as South African side was small. Lots of Plone 5 progress, particularly the Javascript side and plone.app.contents.

Paul noted that both sprints are expected to come in under their allocations. Good news for the sprint budget! Thanks to everyone for conserving sprint funds with inexpensive travel.

PLOG & PSM update

PLOG: hotel is sold out and people are moving into other hotels. Alex, Eric and Paul will attend.

PSM is moving along. Initial registrations look low, but it started slowly last year, too. Paul, Steve and Andy will be there.

These are both good opportunities for seeking board members to-be.


The committee has unanimously

(with one abstention on one recommendation due to personal interest) 

recommended Alexander Pilz, Giacomo Spettoli, Juan Pablo Giménez, Andy Leeb, and Manabu Terada.
Steve moved approval of the membership committee recommendations
Alexander seconded
Unanimously approved (Andy abstained from voting on himself)
Steve will communicate with communications group and with those accepted and not.

Steve mentioned the continuing problem of modesty in applications. Alexander suggested we solicit the names of recommenders who might be able to talk about accomplishments.

Membership committee should be working on applications every three months.

Old Business

EuroPython poster session.

Paul is working on this, asking Italian Plone shops for poster work. We got a great one that way last year. Poster source will go into marketing materials.
PyCon is coming soon. Lots of Plonistas will be there, but no organized presence. It would be great to do some guerrilla marketing. We authorized Cris to use a budget of up-to $500 to help this happen.

plone.com/plone.org deployment; 

plone.com: Steve will ping Liz to ask about deployment and ask if we can help push; we know she’s been making progress on content and theming.
plone.org: a donation program organized by Timo will be getting some of the Catalans who’ve been working on this to PLOG.

advisory/ambassador board

We do have a few ready to announce. Cris suggested we not hold publicity while waiting on others. We can appoint other later.

We discussed the candidates and settled on a few to finish up before publicizing.

Executive session at 20:53pm to discuss strategic issues

End executive session 21:10; no actions taken

Review ongoing

Paul mentioned new community discussion experiment at community.plone.org

Adjourned at 21:20