Minutes for September 19, 2013
Transition planning, Sponsorship program
Paul called us to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Matt Hamilton, Steve McMahon, Érico Andrei, Carol Ganz
Absent: Matthew Wilkes (excused), Liz Leddy (excused)
Approval of the minutes of Sept 5
Érico moved approval
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Note that we should report on the open meeting at the membership meeting.
+ check if action items were followed up
Annual report Steve has been gathering materials in the board collaboration area on google docs; Liz is helping with sponsors. Steve asked for more help with marketing items.
New Business
Funding requests & upcoming sprint ideas
Funding request (marketing budget) for $500 for materials and "Cooperation Sponsorship" for pycon.de.
Steve moved approval
Matt seconded
Unanimously approved
Matt will follow up with Armin
Received proposal for a Cologne sprint in February.
Deferred to next board
Steve will follow up with Timo
We've received word that a documentation sprint is undergoing tentative planning.
Incoming correspondence
Econtent magazine, solicitation of money for upcoming issue.
General lack of interest given vagueness of solicitation and our lack of experience with this magazine.
Carol will follow up and offer to check editorial content for accuracy.
Transfer knowledge to new board
Brief discussion of what we can do to help with this. Suggested outgoing members leave documentation in shared board work areas.
Old Business
Marketing, plone.com & progress
Érico will ping Eric, also ask if he's coming to Brazil or would be willing to sprint remotely.
Sponsorship status & process
Liz has been doing a lot of work.
Carol will follow up on recent correspondence from PayPal.
Order of listing of sponsors
We had tentatively decided to sort in order of longevity of sponsorship. But email conversation has called it into order.
Large variety of considerations raised, in favor of various sorts, period of computation, geography, pseudo randomness. Strengths and weaknesses for each.
Carol suggested appointing a sponsorship committee; Steve noted that sponsors and the foundation don't necessarily have the same interest.
[Lots of AV problems.]
Paul suggested we should be able to get some feedback at the conference. Also, Liz is the one that's been working on this and she's absent. Item tabled for now.
PyCon US 2014 plans
Tabled in Liz' absence
Èrico reported that an open-source sponsorship is under way.
Planning: Plone Conference 2014 timeline
No bids yet. If we don't receive any by Sunday, we'll need to extend for a month. Informal discussion of possible sponsors.
Review ongoing
Six Feet Up Sponsorship: .
Proposal not yet ready to come to board
Remainder of items tabled for lack of progress: licensing issues with other libraries under alternative Open Source licenses CC relicensing possible trademark infringements.
Adjourned at 21:25 UTC
Next: Membership meeting 21:00 UTC, October 3.