Minutes for May 2, 2013

Sprint funding approval, sponsorship revamp discussion, GSOC progress report

Paul called us to order at 19:10 UTC



Attending: Carol Ganz, Paul Roeland, Érico Andrei, Matt Hamilton, Steve McMahon, Matthew Wilkes, Elizabeth Leddy
Absent: None

Approval of the minutes of April 18

Liz moved, Érico seconded
Passed unanimously with Matthew abstaining

+ check if action items were followed up

Liz reported on her continuing research on the .cat issue.

A11y improvement, validation

Paul is able to go to PSM to work on this (at PSM's request). Paul is continuing to work on acceptance testing as part of our continuous testing.

New Business

Incoming correspondence

  • New phone number
    We've been maintaining a modestly expensive service for voicemail & fax. This is expiring. We agreed to discontinue the old (paid) service because fax is no longer necessary, and free voicemail service is available. The new number is +1 (317) 747-0254. Faxes go to /dev/null.

Old Business

plonedemo.com and similar sites

It's been slow consulting the interested parties, and the original correspondent has asked about progress.

Options for demo site hostnames that are variations on plonedemo.com: disallow use; allow with minimal branding; allow use with a certain sponsorship price; allow with links to other demo sites.

Steve suggested we say we will decide this at the next meeting, so get feedback in.
General agreement on that.

Sponsorship revamp

Liz has been soliciting feedback from Advisory Board members and existing sponsors.
Trying to achieve some fairness between regional interests is proving to be a very difficult problem.

Érico noted that exchange rates for Argentina and Venezuela would make even the most minimal sponsorship very difficult. Real point is to make it attractive to people who will offer some real support.

Ideas discussed included an auction for spots, with provision for regional sponsorships.
(Matt suggested equivalence of 1,000 bottles of beer in your currency.)

Steve argued for keeping the first year very simple with the understanding that sponsorship levels may change in the future.

Liz is going to continue, with help from Carol, working on this. Next step will be some communication to PF Members presenting proposition for sponsorship and rewards.

Request: Plone Symposium Midwest sprints (re-formulated)

We have a funding request for sprint budgeting for $2,000 for combined
form/ui/a11y sprinting activity. The FWT considers the form/ui elements
strategic; the board believes the a11y elements to be strategic.

Carol moved approval
Matt seconded
Unanimously approved
(Paul abstained as PSM has asked for him to attend.)

As a side note, we talked about devoting our google ad words budget leading up to PSM to that.

(Carol left call)

GSOC review ongoing

Kevin Kalupson is point for this; Matthew has been offering advice.
Steve offered to do an extra check in with Kevin.

Student application deadline is about 24 hours away. Matthew will do some last-minute publicity.

Creative Commons relicensing

Paul is completing work on this. Not quite done yet. Lawyers are checking plan now.

Possible trademark infringements licensing
No progress. Matt will follow up.

Issues with other libraries under GPLv3

Steve and Matthew are researching this; plan on a report for next meeting.

Adjourned at 20:10 UTC