Minutes for July 11, 2013

PyCon APAC funding, Upcoming sprints, EuroPython report, FISL report, 2014 conference planning, Board election timetable

Paul called us to order at 20:10 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Érico Andrei, Steve McMahon, Matt Hamilton, Carol Ganz
Absent: Matthew Wilkes. Elizabeth Leddy (both excused)

Approval of the minutes of June 27

Some typos and time-zone issues noted and fixed. 

Érico moved approval, Paul seconded

Unanimously approved

New Business

Funding requests


PyCon APAC (Asia/Pacific) in September, request for approximately 1,000 USD. This is on the marketing list, but did not have an amount attached to it.

Paul noted that EuroPython expenses were considerably less than expected.

Paul suggested this get reviewed first by the marketing committee.

Carol noted a need to make a mid-term review of budget situation.

After discussion, decided this needs prompt action

Matt moved approval, Carol seconded

Unanimously approved (Silver sponsorship, 100,000 yen)

Arnhem sprint request

Arnhem sprint request needs team review. Tabled.

Upcoming sprints

Here's what's coming up and being planned. Some are tentative.

  • Indiana, USA (Bastille Day)

  • Security Sprint (not final yet)

  • Cologne Sprint a possibility

  • Possible South American winter sprint in works

Europython report out

EuroPython was excellent. Poster session was great; help desk wasn't much used. Good Plone community events. Big impact. News item out.

FISL report out

Érico reported on the first Plone booth at the conference. Publicized Plone conference and sought sponsorships.

Plone Conf 2013

Érico said that talks and training submitted so far are good, but that they are hoping for more.

Registration will open shortly.

Planning: Plone Conference 2014 timeline

Paul noted that it's time to start the process if we want to make our own deadlines.

Planning: election timeline

Time to start thinking about membership renewal and board election.

Need to make sure membership committee processes applications soon.

Old Business


Liz has upgraded sponsorship/donation pages on plone.org. Anticipating plone.com being up soon to acknowledge sponsorships.

Paul will schedule the discussion of this along with the budget for the next meeting.

Marketing, plone.com & progress

More work has been shown; hoping for tangible progress during Bastille Day sprint.

PSM13 sprint budget/reimbursement handling

This has been cleared up. Jen checked with tax accountant; we're OK to accept funds from UWO and reimburse sprinters for itemized travel and lodging expenses.

Review ongoing items

Licensing issues with other libraries under GPLv3, CC relicensing, possible trademark infringements, domain issues. All suffering from some summer doldrums. We promised ourselves to get these moving again.

Adjourned at 21:00 UTC