Minutes for January 24, 2013
Symposium funding request, CMS Garden advertising, Plone Open Garden funding, Ad for international Python brochure, ArtSprint funding
Present: Paul, Liz, Érico, Matthew W, Steve, Matt, Carol
Absent: None!
Approval of the minutes of January 10
Liz moved approval, Érico seconded
Carol and Matt abstained, everyone else concurred. Approved.
New Business
Incoming correspondence:
Funding request Plone Symposium Midwest; request to help fund a keynote speaker's expenses
Discussion that this request bundles together allocations that we might make out of separate sprint / marketing funding budgets. We have allocated from marketing for the US symposium's Plone keynote speaker's expenses in the past.
Matt suggested that we may wish a common marketing budget for the three annual symposia — not just the US one. (Marketing budget is coming up today.)
Moved into discussion of event component of marketing budget. Matt, Carol and Erico suggested it might make sense to have more of a "this amount budgeted for all this type event" than specific allocations in budget.
Paul suggested allocating travel budget of $3,000 (1k per) for the three major symposia for marketing budget.
With a lot of business to do, we're going to continue this discussion at the next meeting. We'll ask for PSMW to refine their proposal, splitting sprint and marketing items and reducing keynote travel component . Liz will contact Kim.
Funding request for CMS Garden, $2,500.
This is an event to be held as part of the March 2013 CeBIT. Funding is via advertising in a "CMS Garden Guidebook." There are also some Plone companies already involved.
Funding at this level would require increasing the marketing budget. Matt proposed doing that.
Paul noted that there seems to be a major buzz around the CMS Garden event. Matt concurred on general importance of this event for Plone visibility.
Current budget is 5,000 USD for advertising. We're discussing two advertising items that are 6,000 themselves. General agreement to raise that when we get to that agenda item.
Matt moved to approve 2,500 USD
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Matt will follow up
Check if contract with Chase has been cancelled
Carol will check with Jen.
Possible domain name guidelines violation
Details omitted for this item: the domain name
General agreement that friendly follow up is appropriate for this case. Paul is willing to undertake this in mid February and thinks he would be the right person for this.
PyCON USA preparations
Érico reported that the PF will have a booth and a poster session. He expects to have an extra ticket available for community use. Érico asked about poster session suggestions and wondered what additional preparations are going on for PyCON USA. Liz related that lots of planning is underway for sprint-ish activities; coordinating with Pyramid crew.
Érico suggested that Liz be crowned leader of the PyCon preparations. Liz agreed. Not in those words ;)
Idea for poster session showing high-level of activity, sprints, such.
No formal action on this agenda item.
Schwag production for Tokyo Plone Edu event
This needed doing quickly. There was brainstorming on appropriate schwag. Carol shipped them stickers and 20-question leaflets.
Policy on using foundation to raise money for US-based sprint funding
We agreed will will work on internal guidelines for the future.
Clarify what's going on with Emerald Sprint. Steve will follow up with Fulvio.
World Plone Day
Date is now set, publicity has begun. No further discussion needed.
General agreement that we're endorsing and encouraging participation.
Old business
PLOG funding request
We had received a request that we wanted to get clarified. Paul suggested that this is no problem if we just have it on the marketing budget rather than the sprint budget.
Steve moved foundation fund $1,000 from marketing budget and help publicize PLOG's fundraising
Matt seconded
Unanimously approved
with Érico abstaining
Ad budget for Python brochure
Design will be donated by Armin Stroß-Radschinski's firm
Purpose is to remind folks that we are *the* python CMS
Matt moved 2,650 euro for advertisement in international brochure on Python
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
ARtspRInt ]a[ 2013t Funding Request
Steve suggested we fund this at the community sprint level, not strategic.
Liz moved $300 allocation for community sprint
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Liz will follow up
Budget creating progress (2013 + long-term proposals), and fundraising
Tabled until next meeting. Work is actively happening.
Marketing Committee report
A lot of this was already discussed earlier in the meeting; mainly budget items. This budget is ready to move into the full budget.
Being actively worked on at Beer Sprint; it was noted that Armin and Ramon are doing great work.
Sponsorship advertisement placement
Brief discussion of rotating ad for sponsorships
Further discussion: plone-users complaints
Paul is continuing to work on policy ideas
CC licensing of content on plone.org
Paul has met with several CC experts. "Enlightening" discussion indicated that we can probably do a bulk relicensing of our docs so long as we have an opt out mechanism.
Adjourned at 21:35 UTC