Minutes for December 12, 2013
Treasurer appointment, Idealware report, Exhibition kit, Budget creation, Advisory board
Called to order at 21:10 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Cris Ewing, Steve McMahon, Érico Andrei, Alexander Loechel, Andy Leeb
Absent: Tom (Spanky) Kapanka
Approval of the minutes of Nov 27
Érico moved approval, Alex seconded
Approved by consensus with Steve abstaining
+ check if action items were followed up
Steve needs to respond on Supervisor
Prepaid credit card: Cris reported that prepaid credit cards that have been investigated have monthly fees. Prepaid cards were being investigated as the card to use with Amazon. Paul suggested that the simplest solution is to continue using our existing (non-prepaid) card. General agreement.
Cris will communicate this to Jen and get the Amazon account for testing artifacts set up.
We’ll set up an aws@plone.org email address and have it forwarded to Cris while he’s responsible for this.
Incoming correspondence
Voicemail: Steve will return call
New Business
Steve moved appointment of Jen Myers as Plone Foundation Treasurer
Cris seconded
Unanimously approved
Paul will notify
Idealware report
Cris has been in touch with the Idealware folks about their update. He’s working on getting a demo scheduled. We want to let them know about features changed since their last review.
Cris will check on ad prices; we’ll also encourage companies to get listed.
Exhibition kit
Elizabeth Leddy’s report from Gilbane encouraged us to put together an exhibit/publicity kit. She also reported that the event was not as well-attended as in past years.
Regarding the exhibit/publicity kit, Paul suggested that it basically be a digital kit. It isn’t worth it to ship things around to activities all over the world. We can help pay for printing if necessary.
License under CC or something comparable. Github-stored.
Cris noted that we should also have a README for working a booth or such. Lessons learned. Liz gave us some good starting points. Matt Hamilton and Armin also have some good materials.
General agreement on these points.
Andy volunteered to serve as champion for this.
Paul will check on licensing issues to pick the ideal CC version/terms.
Old Business
plone.com deployment
We’ll be starting from a download, rather than source. Eleddy is still project managing with assistance from bloodbare.
Updating Conflict of Interest policy
Steve will integrate and refine language based on discussion. We should have a clean draft for next meeting.
In-kind sponsorships
A continuing item; Steve will renew communication.
Budget creation 2014
Paul has posted 2013 budget to shared google docs are for commenting and refinement.
There are three budgets, overall, sprints and marketing.
Board members will look over this before the next meeting.
Marketing budget has a tentative list of conferences; those should also be reviewed.
Advisory board
Informal discussion of some names and the result of tentative contacts to see if they would be interested.
We wondered if we should call this something else given that we’re not asking them to actually meet. “Ambassadors” discussed as title and received general agreement. Spread the word and be a representative in geographic/language group. Offer advice as appropriate. Use title whenever representing general community.
Goal: decide this at first 2014 meeting.
Sponsorship status & process
We need to invite Elizabeth Leddy to a meeting. January 9?
Review ongoing
licensing issues with other libraries under alternative Open Source licenses, CC relicensing, possible trademark infringements
Miscellaneous: Steve needs to get Paul a copy of the letterhead source.
Andy let us know of progress on a new contributor agreement. We’l like to aim to have it available at Plone Open Garden.