Minutes for August 22nd, 2013
Funding Arnhem sprint; Conference 2014 selection timeline set; election, membership renewal timelines set
Paul called us to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Steve McMahon, Carol Ganz, Liz Leddy, Érico Andrei
Absent: Matthew Wilkes, Matt Hamilton (excused)
Approval of the minutes of August 8
Érico moved approval; Liz seconded
Unanimously approved
Check if action items were followed up
Steve reported on discussions with Six Feet Up on a contract for in-kind contributions
(Carol noted a conflict of interest on this item due to Six Feet Up's sponsorship.)
Discussion of sponsorship levels. Are we willing to create a higher level?
Concern has been raised about ordering of sponsors in list. Alpha would list some high/low.
Érico suggested first-come, first-listed order.
(Liz was cut off the call for about five minutes.)
Paul and Liz thought adding new levels was over engineering.
No action on this item.
New Business
Funding requests & upcoming sprints
The Framework Team has recommended a proposed Arnhem sprint as strategic for Plone 5.
Paul has checked, and we still have budget for one more strategic sprint.
Independent fundraising is also likely, and PF coordination is proposed.
Steve moved approval as a strategic sprint and allocation of $3,000 for it
Érico seconded
Unanimously approved.
A 2-to-4-week sprint for Plone 5 items has been tentatively proposed.
Paul suggested that this is too tentative for the board to really work on this yet.
We've allocated our strategic-sprint funding budget already, but we can certainly help in other ways.
Liz noted that she'd like to see more company sponsorship of sprinters for this kind of even. She suggested we work on a way to acknowledge such major contributions.
Discussions on this will continue as we learn more.
Incoming correspondence
Plone Asia-Pacific sprint announcement
PretaGov is organizing an Asia-Pacific Plone Sprint for September. This will be largely online.
PyCon NA 2014
Noted that we'll probably want to sponsor on the level that we did last year. We can get that lined up now, while setting details later.
Érico will make the initial contacts to get this going. List suggested that we might want to do something in conjunction with the Pyramid folks. Sharing booth, handling shifts and such.
Old Business
Marketing, plone.com & progress
No update. Paul will follow up.
Planning: Plone Conference 2014 timeline
Érico had emailed the board a proposal that would allow us to have an announcement for the conference. The schedule would leave a very tight timeline for board consideration. Paul noted that we don't want a vote on this during the membership-renewal process. The tentative timeline will also mean one board preparing and the next board confirming.
Liz moved and Érico seconded confirming the proposed timeline:
August 26th, 2013: Selection process announced
September 2nd, 2013: Plone Foundation begins accepting proposals
September 22nd, 2013: Proposals due!
September 23rd, 2013 - September 27th, 2013: Plone Foundation Board review of proposals & due diligence with bid teams
September 28th, 2013 - October 3rd, 2013: Plone Foundation members vote on qualified proposals.
October 4th, 2013: Plone Conference 2014 location announced!
Sometime in September-October, 2014: Plone Conference!
Unanimously approved
Steve will communicate this to the membership and work with the communications team to publicize
Planning: election, membership renewal timelines
Steve moved initiating membership renewal process Sep 1, ending Sep 30th following procedure set by next board.
Érico seconded
Unanimously approved
Board election
Steve proposed a two-week nomination period beginning September 13th and ending September 27th.
In conjunction with this, we talked about a Hangout on air with the board before nominations open. Possibly September 12th; not an official board meeting.
Paul suggested having nomination end October 1st.
Steve moved we have a nomination period opening September 13th and ending end-of-day in Brazil October 1.
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Steve will communicate
Update: PloneConf Brasilia status
We'll get an update on this via email and at the next meeting. We'll have a short, informal meeting next week to cover this.
Review ongoing
Licensing issues with other libraries under alternative Open Source licenses, CC relicensing, possible trademark infringements.
Nothing new on these items.
Adjourned at 21:23 UTC