Minutes for April 18, 2013

Licensing, Sprint funding/planning, GSOC



Called to order at 20:10 UTC


Present: Paul Roeland, Érico Andrei, Steve McMahon, Elizabeth Leddy Matt Hamilton, Carol Ganz

Absent: Matthew Wilkes

Approval of the minutes of April 4

Érico suggested noting that many others were present at PLOG

Érico moved to approve

Paul seconded

Unanimously approved

+ check if action items were followed up

Strategic Summit possibilities were discussed at PLOG. General feeling there that there isn't as much need as five years ago because we now have functional teams. Paul is mailing a summary to the board and will also communicate this to folks who have corresponded with us on the subject.

New Business

Incoming correspondence:

  • Question on licensing Plone with wijmo

    We now have two questions on use of GPL3-related add-on licensing in conjunction with Plone add ons. Can Plone add ons use GPL3 or AGPL3 components.

    Steve and Matthew Wilkes will research this and report back to the board.

  • plone.cat domain

    Plone Catalonia folks have been trying to get control of plone.cat for the community. We've already been involved in notifications. Correspondence suggested beginning Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution process.

    Liz volunteered to research the process

  • Use of domain name plonesource.org

    Steve suggested saying we have no problem with the current use of the domain.

    Paul will reply to the correspondence.

  • Research study request

    Paul will reply; this is not board business.

  • a11y team and a11y testing

    Paul has been researching this; still hoping to assemble a team; some commitments at PLOG. It may be possible to update WebAIM into testing stack. Tentative permission obtained. An accessibility sprint is tentatively planned for Plone Symposium Midwest. Paul will try to be a11y team leader with Matt Barkau as tech lead.

  • Plone Symposium MidWest sprints (Cheese/Beer + possible other ones)

    We still need a direct recommendation on the strategic character of this. Liz will check on whether or not the FWT has gotten this done. We also need a precise number. Carol will speak to Nathan about this.

    A post PSM a11y sprint could also be considered strategic, but we need to determine who's leading this. Carol will ask Kim about this one.

Old Business

Community atmosphere and complaints process recap

We've promised to get something done on this, and Matthew asked we get this back on the agenda. Executive session discussion of particulars. No board action.

plone.com status

Armin, Matt H, Ramon worked on this in Sorrento. Ramon is working on actual Diazo implementation. Scope of project has been reined in to get the basics done. Success story writing is well underway. Theme work is checked into github.

Sponsorships revamp

No updates. Liz will work with advisors on structure. Recurring personal sponsorship has been fixed.


We've been approved as a project. Thanks to Matthew and Kevin! Discussion of proposals already underway on dev list. Brainstorming about possible mentors.

Review ongoing items:

  • Creative Commons relicensing

    Paul has this ready to go; plan to start transition period May 1. This will start a one-month grace period ending in all plone.org textual content being CC licensed.

  • Possible trademark infringements

    Discussed in short executive sessions

  • Plonedemo.com and similar sites

    Still working on this; awaiting feedback from concerned parties.

Adjourned at 21:10 UTC