Minutes for November 15, 2012
Initial discussion of Brasilia proposal; Sub-domain policy for national/regional user groups; Initial budget discussion
In Paul's absence, Érico called us to order at 20:10 UTC.
Present: Érico, Matthew W., Steve, Carol, Matt H.
Missing: Paul, Liz (Paul & Liz excused)
Approval of the minutes of November 1st
Steve moved approval, Matthew seconded
Unanimously approved
New Business
Incoming correspondence
Letter on timing & publicity on security patch. Referred to security team.
Licensing question on user manual — Steve will correspond with principle authors regarding CC licensing; will defer rest to future meeting.
Proposal PloneConf 2013
(Matt joined meeting, 20:17)
We've received one proposal, for Brasilia.
Agreement that we will let membership know we have one proposal, post the proposal, and note that the board will be reviewing it. Ask membership for feedback/questions to board list by one week. Board will set up a board-shared area to collect questions for forwarding to organizers. Formal consideration at next meeting.
Creative Commons Licensing for Plone User Manual
Formal consideration deferred to next meeting pending correspondence
(sub)-domain policy for national/regional user groups.
Steve moved that we set a policy:
Plone user associations for countries should ideally obtain the plone.?? domain name for their country. The Plone Foundation would prefer to be the holder for the domain name if it's legally feasible. Please consult the Plone Foundation, which owns the Plone trademark in many countries, any time you are obtaining a "*plone*" domain name.
If a representative domain name for a country, region or linguistic group is unavailable, the Plone Foundation is willing to provide an *. plone.org
Matthew W seconded
Unanimously approved
Old business
Budget creating progress (2013 + long-term proposals)
We began working on a shared budget spreadsheet. We
still need proposals for marketing, sprint budgets; they should be in by next meeting; plan to finalize budget at Dec 13th meeting.
Discussion of goals and expectations for this term.
Deferred in the absence of full board
Membership Committee progress report
Matthew reported on response to committee membership solicitation. We agreed by consensus to extend the application period to the next meeting to seek some more applications.
Marketing Committee report
Matt reported that the three members of the committee are still trying to get together; communications team mailing list established, seeking more subscriptions.
Discussion of Advisory board members
Deferred to next meeting when more folks will be available.
Plone.com progress/discussion
Matt H: plone.com has good push and is moving forwards slowly.
Adjourned at 20:40 UTC