Minutes for December 13, 2012
Advisory Board Member appointments; Membership Committee appointed; licensing of board materials
Present: Paul, Érico, Steve, Matt H., Liz
Absent: Carol (excused), Matthew W (excused)
Approval of the minutes of November 29
Liz moved, Érico seconded, unanimously approved
Check if action items were followed up:
- Paul reported that plonethemes.org contact went well
- Paul and Steve reported user manual licensing contacts completed
- JC Brand contacted on wine sprint
- Liz has contacted Roadmap team members trying to discover status of that team
- Liz reported contributor agreement work is with lawyers and moving along
New Business
Incoming correspondence
Question on licensing of Plone Foundation policy documents
Steve moved we adopt the policy:
Materials authored and published by the Plone Foundation Board of Directors and its committees are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
with the exception of minutes and agendas. Minutes and agendas are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Paul seconded, unanimously approved
Potential logo violation
No change
Sponsorship advertisement placement
We've been discussing online the possibility of raising the profile of sponsors by advertising their sponsorship in places as prominent as the homepages of plone.org or plone.com.
Érico suggested we find a way to achieve representation for regional sponsors without expense of full, premium sponsorship
Paul suggested that provider listings be projected on to map — could be very useful.
Steve suggested we ask .org/.com teams to work on tasteful mechanisms for homepage display of major sponsor logos; ask .com team to put in queue work on map representation of providers and fair ways of presenting regional results. Board will work on a regional fairness scheme for sponsorship advertising.
Adwords grant
Paul reported we now have the grant and are optimizing.
Google Summer of Code preparation
Kevin Kalupsen has already started work on our proposal, he's been involving Matthew W. and Eric Steele and plans to harass Liz too.
Old business
Advisory Board members
Expectations: we have a living document on this. Steve will polish Paul's work for sending to board members.
We can use Google apps groups for mailing / discussion list for advisors.
Érico moved we appoint to the advisory board:
Suresh V.
Roché Compaan
Alexander Loechel
Manubu Terada
Balázs Reé
Virginia Choi
Leonardo Caballero
Matt seconded, Unanimously approved
Steve will contact and pass on expectations and ask for short bios. Paul will work on press release.
Steve will set up group alias.
Creative Commons Licensing for Plone User Manual
We're following up on this; will put logo on first page; CC by 3 SA
Discussion of goals and expectations for this term
We're doing it!
Membership Committee progress report
Matthew corresponded with the board list that the following persons are self-nominated for the membership committee:
Matthew Wilkes, to be chair
Chris Calloway
Godefroid Chapelle
Maurizio Delmonte
Clayton Parker
Hector Verlade
Nejc Zupan
Érico moved approval, Paul seconded; Unanimously approved
Marketing Committee report
Budget is in discussion; CeBit possibility will be referred.
Budget creating progress (2013 + long-term proposals), and fundraising
Gift solicitations; Steve has drafted a letter; Liz had suggested changes.
We'll polish and translate very quickly and get it out to lists. Érico will work on translations. Liz will supply some lists, broken down by language preference.
Budget will be the major item for the next meeting. Marketing deadline will be Saturday before next meeting.
We are redirecting to plone.org now. Work is continuing.
Concern expressed that we need improvement soon.
Adjourned at: 22:20 UTC