Minutes for April 19, 2012
Meeting of the Board of Directors
- attendance:
Sjoerd, Maurizio, Érico, Matt, Paul, Carol are present, Geir is unable to make the meeting. - approval of the minutes of 5 april:
Maurizio moves to approve, Érico seconds. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Ploneconf update
There is confirmation on internet access, it will be "Fibre-to-the-Plone". Meaning virtually unlimited access. - Domain issues.
.cat - no reply as of today. If we get no response, we will call in the legal people.
.br - Matt will check if the transfer has gone through yet.
.be - the domain is for sale at an inflated price. Matt will contact the legal people. - Electronic signatures for contributor agreements.
Sjoerd did some research on this, and asked other Open Source projects how they handle this:
- Apache and Django use scanned/emailed forms
- Joomla, Canonical, NodeJS and Diaspora have online forms.
The Apache Foundation is quite a major force in OS, and also thorough on legal matters. So scanned forms by mail seems like the way forward.
We will contact the attorneys on this (Matt), and will also point out to them that the Apache Foundation handles agreements in this way. - Europython booth/table
We're still waiting on clearer information from the organisors - Bitnami:
Wyn introduced Érico to Daniel from Bitnami. They're talking. The goal is to get Plone 4.2 working on all their stacks. Goes to next meeting, we should have either working code or a more concrete timeline by then. - PLOG (Sorrento):
There is still room for attendees, therefore the deadline has been extended to April 22nd.
New Business:
- plone.com progress
Carol and Matt have talked to Mark, there will be regular phone/skype meeting to help things moving.
In the next few weeks there will be several events where larger numbers of Plonistas gather: Plone Open Garden in Sorrento and Plone Symposium East at Penn State.
These might be opportunities to help move the project along. - Accessibility issues
The various standards on accessibility are evolving, and Plone needs to move along with them. The USA, UK, Netherlands, Italy, Brazil at least have in recent times toughened their respective regulations on accessibility.
Unfortunately, this is not a simple task, as both layout and content can be affected by various legislation. And there are sometimes incompatible differences between the standards in various jurisdictions.
As Board, we may need to kick off an accessibility taskforce. Plone was, and will remain, accessible, that is our clear and stated intention. This should also be made clear in the Roadmap.
The devil is in the details, as standards keep evolving. It's never going to be a 'one-time fix', but will need regular checks, much like security.
The Board discusses various strategies on how we can achieve this. To be continued. - Review treasurer's report
We have received Jen's regular report, and reviewed it.
Paul moves to close, Érico seconds. Unanimous