Annual Meeting 2012

Minutes for the Annual Meeting, 2012-10-11, Arnhem/Netherlands

meeting starts at 15:54 CET


All current members of the Board are physically present.

(Matt Hamilton, Carol Ganz, Paul Roeland, Érico Andrei, Geir Bækholt, Maurizio Delmonte, Sjoerd van Elferen)

Geir moves to open the Annual Meeting, Érico seconds. Unanimous approval.

Items on the agenda:

  • New Board
  • The Board has sent out reporting to the Membership.
  • Floor motions.


New Board:

There are 7 people who have nominated themselves, for 7 places on the Board.

Chris Calloway moves to appoint the nominees by acclamation. Seconded by Ken Wasetis.
Unanimous approval from the Membership present.


Reporting to the Membership:

There is a floor question on a further breakdown of the financial numbers of sponsorship. Those numbers will be produced at a later stage.

Steve McMahon moves to accept the reporting; Sjoerd van Elferen seconds. Unanimous approval.

Motions from the floor:




Sjoerd van Elferen moves to adjourn the meeting. Carol Ganz seconds. Unanimous approval.


meeting closes at 16:01 CET