Minutes for May 19, 2011
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Calvin called us to order at 3:45pm EDT. This was a public meeting held in the OpenSpace at PSE 2011
Attending: Geir, Jon, Matt, Steve, Calvin, Mark
Absent: Alex (excused)
Plone Conference Organizers
Conference Survey draft from Spanky; opinion voiced that there were too many joke questions. Matt suggested they drop their pants ... jokes.
Feedback: should be more businesslike
Steve will correspond with Spanky
Mark will join in a sprint on the conference logo.
Approve Minutes for May 5th, 2011 board meeting
Calvin moved approval with a title change; Matt seconded
Approved Unanimously
Committee Reports (marketing, membership)
Mark reported good feedback at PSE; expects expanded Marketing Committee membership
Jon reported Membership committee is moving to vote on current candidacy.
Old business
Plone roadmap - Plone 3.3.6 release date?
Matt will communicate with Alan. Blockers appear to be closed.
Plone 5 roadmap document status
This is really plone “trunk” status
Calvin gave a well-received talk at the symposium;
Mark and Geir continue to work on this.
SFLC legal details on patches -- review Jon's draft
Not everyone had read this; we’ll review and vote on this by email
Real Story CMS Market Analysis License Request
No changes
New business
Mexican plone domains
We received mail indicating plone*.mx domains are expiring. Do we want to keep these?
Steve moved to have the secretary correspond with Hector and Martin to work out details to get the domains renewed; budget up-to $200 for 5 years; Calvin seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Re-licensing request for plone.schemaeditor, plone.rfc822, plone.namedfile
Calvin moved approval of relicensing of these modules to modified BSD; Matt seconded.
Unanimously approved.