Minutes for February 10, 2011

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Calvin called us to order at 12:05pm PDT



Attending: Calvin, Alex, Steve, Jon, Mark, Matt, Geir, Toby
Absent: None!

Approve Minutes for January 13th, 2011 board meeting

Calvin moved approval, Geir seconded
Unanimously approved

Committee Reports (marketing, membership)

Jon reported that the committee is doing its first review set
Mark asked for feedback about the initial bounty list
Steve noted that some of the initial items in Mark’s list may get done at the Cioppino sprint. We talked about folks who might have more items.

Officer Report (treasurer)

Toby reviewed January financials. Noted Bristol conference income, sponsorship income. Paid out yearly trademark fee to ZEA. $130K in checking.

Old business

Domain acquisition progress

Still no progress; but snail mail contact attempts underway.

Plone roadmap - Plone 3.3.6 release date? Plone 5 roadmap document status

End of month targeted for 3.3.6.
P5 Roadmap: Geir expressed concern that the roadmap may not be quite as clear as we hoped. That we may need to be talking more about where we’re going than version #s.
Geir thinks we need to do some dev marketing to let folks know that some of the technologies are ready for use now.
Jon: we can sponsor some sprints and help the leads get some dev/training outreach underway. Board is definitely willing to sponsor some ambitious sprints. So we need to put the tech leads in touch with folks who can organize sprints.
Calvin and Mark will look at internal marketing on this.

Committers/contributor agreement auditing -- update

Jon will have an e-mail pushed tomorrow.

SFLC legal details on patches

no progress yet

Server replacement for Deus

New server is on the way to OSU/OSL

Plone Conference 2011

Discussion of due-diligence issues in evaluating conference proposals. Board will have more questions for the proposers before moving to the membership.

New business

Dorneles Tremea

The board has learned that long-time contributor and friend, Dorneles Tremea, was killed in an auto accident this morning. We discussed a news item and remembrance.

Plone Open Garden

No issues on this as an event name for Italian Plone event.

Security Team

Jon moved we formally express our appreciation to the security team. Thanks for heroic efforts!
Steve seconded
Unanimously approved.

Adjourned at 12:52pm