Minutes for April 7, 2011
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Attending: Jon, Steve, Mark, Matt, Geir, Toby
Absent: Calvin (excused), Alex (sick)
Plone Conference Organizers
We’ll reserve a spot on the agenda here for time with conference organizers. Matt will contact them to let them know this is available.
Finance suggestion: Jon suggested we check to see if we can get an authorize.net merchant account and see if we might get better rates.
Approve Minutes for March 24th, 2011 board meeting
Matt moved approval, Mark seconded
Unanimously approved
Committee Reports (marketing, membership)
Marketing: First three bounty missions are finished
Membership: Nothing new
Old business
Domain acquisition progress
Calvin has heard back finally, need to send offer
Matt moved, Mark seconded, move to exec session
Entered executive session
Exited executive session
Plone roadmap - Plone 3.3.6 release date
Alan says imminent; final bugs planned for tune up April 15th.
Plone 5 roadmap document status discussed
Committers/contributor agreement auditing -- update
No change from last meeting
SFLC legal details on patches
SFLC may not be able to respond soon. Geir, Jon and Steve will work on a draft memo/policy to distribute to folks who work in svn. Will come back to board before distribution.
Jon left meeting at 1pm PDT.
New business
Annual Plone Awards
Mark has drafted an outline of how some awards from the PF might be made at the conference. These would be awards based on community/PF contributions outside of core development. Categories to be developed. Votes by PF board.
Matt moved to authorize announcement at PSE; details to be developed; budgeted at $500. Geir seconded.
Unanimously approved
PSE 2011 Travel Sponsorships
Mike Halm has asked if the PF can make available some travel funds for PSE 2011. In the past, the PF has declined to sponsor regional conferences, but we have made travel subsidies available in the past.
Mark moved we fund up to $2,000 for travel and that we ask for recognition.
Steve seconded.
Unanimously approved with Matt abstaining.
Steve will contact Mike Halm.
Matt adjourned the meeting