Minutes for October 7, 2010

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Geir called us to order at 12:05pm PDT



Present: Geir, Roberto, Steve, Mark
Absent: Calvin (excused), Alex (on honeymoon!), Matt

Approve minutes Minutes for September 23, 2010

Steve moved approval, Geir seconded
Unanimously approved

Old business

Domain acquisition progress

Calvin not here; tabled

Release process, Plone 3.3-series

Wichert Akkerman is resigning as 3.x release manager due to lack of time; Geir has formally asked the framework team for a recommendation for a replacement for maintenance work for the 3.3.x series.

New business

Mark reported on the recommendation of the diversity working group (which included Mark, Calvin, Roberto and Elizabeth Leddy) that the board place on the agenda of annual meeting and recommend for adoption:

Diversity Statement
The Plone Foundation and global Plone community actively encourage the involvement and participation of everyone.  Our community is based on mutual respect, acceptance and encouragement; with each of us taking personal responsibility for helping each other live up to theseprinciples.  We believe diversity of ideas, skills, cultures and viewpoints are irreplaceable in keeping Plone and our community vital, growing and viable. We want our community to be more diverse, by any measure - so whoever you are, whatever your background is, whatever views and goals you have, we welcome you.

Geir moved that we recommend the statement for adoption at the annual meeting
Steve seconded
Unanimously approved

Formally approve re-licensing of packages for Martin Aspeli

This is a decision made earlier via e-mail.

  • plone.behavior
  • plone.memoize
  • plone.registry
  • plone.supermodel
  • plone.synchronize
  • plone.testing
  • plone.uuid

Steve moved, Geir seconded;
Unanimously approved

New foundation members

The following applications were considered by the membership committee, and +/- recommendations received by the board:

  • Tom Lazar
  • Mikko Ohtamaa
  • Ricardo Alves
  • Wyn Williams
  • Maurizio Delmonte
  • Jean-mathieu Grimaldi
  • Christian Vinten-Johansen
  • Chrissy Wainwright
  • Erico Andrei
  • Wouter Vanden Hove
  • Andre Nogueira

Geir moved acceptance of Tom, Mikko, Ricardo, Wyn and Erico
Roberto seconded
Unanimously approved

Elections 2010

Hanno has agreed to oversee the election. Nomination procedure has been posted.

Geir adjourned us at 1:05pm PDT

Possible meeting October 21st; Steve will schedule on Calliflower